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Everything posted by magley64

  1. and you can't even call that a typo... b and p are nowhere near each other.
  2. pretty much exactly like the banner at the top of the page... minus the small print
  3. magley64


    not a bad wootoff, hasn't been bogged down too bad with roombas
  4. he talks just like any other indian I've ever met... understands the words and pronounces them well, just doesn't always use the correct word in the correct context...
  5. that's because LP is lazy... J/K
  6. rider was cited for driving under suspension... http://www.wdtimes.com/articles/2009/07/10/news/news2.txt
  7. incidentally the offender was a 21 yr old woman...
  8. normal spots wherever...leaving some room for other bikes
  9. Yeah, he's even more fortunate that there wasn't a black hole attached to the front bumper of the grand am...
  10. linked from pic of the day... http://picofdaday.blogspot.com/2009/07/ride-to-forget-motorcycle-is-sandwiched.html
  11. sure...? make sure you set it to record next time you do something hilarious.
  12. no serious injuries, operator landed in the bed of the truck...
  13. if you were to watch a video of a certain MNG from pig iron recently, you will see that Yota was captured in the foot trap, I laughed hysterically in the background...
  14. careful, she might grab your foot and make you hop around...
  15. shoot some donation money, and send casper a SASE.. or show up to a meet.
  16. whenever i think of "water people" I'm thinking mermaids or ...
  17. depends on where the bikenight is... If you ride 50 miles to get to bikenight, you just had a great ride and got to park next to a bunch of other nice bikes to look at, AND you have a good ride ahead of you...
  18. how does that work? water and gasoline don't exactly mix... do they have "blenders" in their tanks?
  19. fresh gas and filter would be my first step...
  20. i wish we had cool shit like that up here... I'll trade you for 100 toads and 50 peepers...
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