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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I prefer the weather on Univision.
  2. Yeah, but I don't recall ever seeing them in prime time. Could be mistaken, but Greta, bill oreilly, meg kelly, and Hannity are your prime time fox hosts, and maddow has them all smoked.
  3. For brains on the other hand, Maddow would kill fox's entire prime time line up on combined I.Q.
  4. New Mexico, Nevada, and California, once you figure it out, it's easy, but takes 2 hands.
  5. Welcome, I'm just an exit east of Madison.
  6. LoL, no, at least an extra minute or 2, but I don't see a reason to go through all the effort, I've been doing it this way for years.
  7. I'm literally staring at the tip of the fuel nozzle the whole time as it's filling up.
  8. Right, but in order to fill up my tank, I'd have to get off, kick it up on the center stand, walk around the bike, fill it up, take it off the center stand... Yada Yada Yada. OR, pull up, swipe the card, pop the tank, fill it up, ride away.
  9. Or you could just pay attention while filling up. I usually fill up while sitting on the bike, saves me from having to use the center stand to fill up the tank fully.
  10. Park neutral unless funky hill that would take too much effort to turn around. Side stand unless fresh hot pavement, then center stand. Start on or off bike depending on mood.
  11. Looks like he screwed up a wheelie. Plenty of people successfully wheelie all the time.
  12. In the metaphor? We sanctioned the hell out of Putin's banks, so much so that he started whining about it publicly.http://www.forbes.com/sites/gregsatell/2014/04/28/heres-how-obamas-sanctions-will-destroy-vladimir-putin/
  13. No, you're a weak ass punk if you're taking my lunch money, but then play innocent when my friends who are much larger than you ask you what you're doing and you deny everything because you don't want your punk ass beat up by them in return.
  14. Putin is a bitch. His country is on the brink of collapse and his stupid ass can't do anything about it.
  15. While denying he was doing it? Do I need to pull up video of his punk ass saying"anyone can buy a uniform"?
  16. Yes it is, if he had true strength he would have annexed crimea without using military force, and if he weren't such a coward he would have admitted he was doing it when it happened.
  17. Lol at Putin, calling anyone weak. Used his military to annex part of another country while publicly denying it the whole time.
  18. Like getting a historical plate on your car, every time you drive it you are either headed to a car show, or headed home from one.
  19. Wow, that would be silly if true, like being restricted from riding a bicycle because you got a driver's license.
  20. You can already open carry in Ohio, you don't even need a ccw to do it.
  21. I got a FHA loan, so they probably already have that information.
  22. on time, every payment,(it's literally the first thing I pay, every time) credit score now around 730 (i haven't checked it since building it up for the home loan)
  23. the government already has my social security number, hell they issued it to me. What else do they want to know? They have my birth date, I disclose that every time i do my taxes, or renew my license. They've already got my address, I confirm that every time i renew my registrations. Hell, my address is already a public record... So what will they learn that they don't already know?
  24. I hated the Avon storms, after they started wearing. But given your options, probably your best bet.
  25. If you're gonna do it, I'd use a combo plug patch. Lots of people will say no way they trust a patched Mc tire.
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