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Everything posted by magley64

  1. It's yours, it'll be waiting for you.
  2. Look at the line I quoted, you said "All Japanese companies do is..." when clearly you are wrong, for better or worse the Japanese have done more engineering and innovation in the last generation of motorcycles than harley has done in the past 50 years.
  3. Really? Which harley model is the blackbird based on?
  4. I got one, probably won't be doing anything with it.
  5. Unless you want an American cruiser with power, then you could get a victory.
  6. Oh yeah, even easier than red light cameras. Back in 2011 they installed some in Ashtabula. Residents didn't like the idea, politicians insisted it was a safety measure, not a money grab, so we got a ballot initiative going and passed a law that stated: any automated speed or red light enforcement devices must be manned by a police officer at any time they are in use, enforcing the law. Guess what happened less than a month after it passed... almost like magic, all of them disappeared. Before they disappeared, I did get an opportunity to trip one with a bicycle, which was fun. It's apparently pretty common in Europe for hooligans to light these things on fire.
  7. There have been horror stories of these things failing horribly, so not a 100% track record. Plenty of people like them though.
  8. I got the Vista cruise, it works pretty good one you get it set up.
  9. I'd love this thing, but am not in a financial position to get it off your hands, glws
  10. Which facts? What source?Do you mean the speculation that the polls are wrong because people with guns are lying about it?
  11. By all means close your eyes and go with your gut, but the facts are pointing in that direction.
  12. I'm not forcing anyone to do anything, just applauding the trend. People are abandoning guns and religion, and I couldn't be happier.
  13. So what if your friends kids come over?
  14. That's my conundrum, if I were to have one, I'd want it somewhere that it wouldn't be accessible to others, but if it's not readily accessible, what's the point of having one?
  15. Fewer households with guns, more guns total, simple answer, minority of people holding large arsenals.
  16. It's true, and is sad, and I've heard several people say it, not just the president. Fortunately, gun ownership is on the decline by household, fewer than 50% of households have guns now, gun owners are a loud minority.
  17. It's sad that we're the only developed country where this shit happens on a regular basis. Seems like every week now.
  18. There are a lot of these custom chainsaw builds out there... I think someone did it with a viper v 10 at some point.
  19. I'd be one kick ass plumber, racer, ninja, swordsman, secret agent. ..
  20. Beck was great, I would come home after school and giggle for an hour watching his show. He had quite the funny clip not long ago. http://www.polygon.com/2014/5/30/5763922/glenn-beck-watch-dogs-hack-ubisoft
  21. I've never watched those 2, I like maddow, and sometimes I'll watch Hayes. Oreilly is good for laughs, so I usually watch him.
  22. They've got some grande chi-chis.
  23. "Winner" depends on metrics. For number of viewers, fox wins, hell I watch it for the lols. As for being better informed... Well http://aattp.org/study-proves-stephen-colbert-viewers-more-informed-than-fox-or-cnn-watchers-on-this-one-thing-video/
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