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Everything posted by magley64

  1. *shrug* I think it's better to have a thriving american auto industry than an extra 10 billion in government money...
  2. not likely.. the black tape can easily provide the centripital force to keep an index card on the wheel. now if you use dyna beads or something maybe,,,
  3. So if I prove that some member of the tea party has broken the law...then what? I am not a supporter of either movement... I think both are extremist viewpoints. The difference, in my mind, is that the republican party is bending over backwards frontwards and sideways to keep from being primaried by tea party candidates (what would appear to be the downside of gerrymandering). It's the reason I can no longer register as a republican, it's the reason I now have to second guess voting for representatives with R after their name. I had voted primarily republican for 8 years, now the party starts taking it's marching orders from extremists? Please... I'd love to have my party back, but it's been hijacked by racist, homophobic, zealots who oppose all government. Until the republicans grow their testicles back and stand up to these assholes, I'm gonna have to be a lot more careful about voting republican. There is no OWS movement corrupting the democratic party. There are no OWS candidates, no OWS darlings, no OWS primaries, no OWS rebuttal to the democrat rebuttal of the state of the union... the democratic party may be sympathetic to some of the causes that OWS is protesting, but they don't have to fear OWS hijacking the system and shutting down the government. John Boehner gets some credit from me as of late, he did show some backbone against tea party bitching about the new budget deal...
  4. OWS didn't do those things either... individual members of that movement have done plenty, just as individual members of th tea party have done plenty...
  5. Cool idea... waste of time for some members here... changing bikes more often than changing underwear.
  6. Not the obstructionist part... The extremist part... OWS is extremely liberal... suggesting capitalism itself needs an overhaul... In the words of Will Mcavoy, the tea party is the american taliban. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yGAvwSp86hY&feature=youtube_gdata_player
  7. Sorry hard to tell, didn't think you were as scientifically illiterate as Ohio mike appears to be...
  8. 3.6 million is pennies compared to the tea party superpacs... and democrat superpacs support the establishment democrats, not the fringe which is so often the case with conservative superpacs, there wasn't a single OWS candidate on the ballot.
  9. Ows was the general equivalent to a democratic tea party... but they didn't get big superpac money or corporate sponsors... Not surprisingly as corporate greed is one of the main complaints of OWS.
  10. I see the tea party as a subset of the republican party (look at every single tea party candidate in congress, what letter do you see after their name?) supported primarily by the koch brothers to instill a force of obstructionism to the government....
  11. Most of the dust in your house is dead skin...the dust in space is just random bits of comets and meteors...
  12. I don't get the logic, if you're just gonna commit suicide, it seems there are way more fun ways to do it.
  13. 1 student confirmed injured, shooter committed suicide. http://news.yahoo.com/reports-shooting-at-high-school-near-denver-201843048.html
  14. False. 2 for 2 today mike... http://www.snopes.com/politics/satire/knockout.asp
  15. and now a "scientific" angle on the ISON debris field... http://science.nasa.gov/science-news/science-at-nasa/2013/19apr_isonids/
  16. Better yet: Sell all your belongings and move to an underground dystopian community whose currency is snickers bars...
  17. I'm in austinburg, have a huge U shaped driveway.... if you're headed east for the trip it might be a winner?
  18. Rent a tow dolly from enterprise? they are pretty cheap
  19. if/when the market rebounds I should be sitting pretty. Looking like a train wreck so far...
  20. if it were me, option 1... owner 1 is not responsible for owner 2's debt, especially if she took the loan without his knowledge... Which could be argued. I'd bet a decent lawyer would take this case on contingency..
  21. sure, but if you actually do your homework, your odds of coming out on top are much better than in a casino...
  22. I'm actually kind of relieved that the people who are hoarding cash are routinely at the top of the game... this makes me believe that my not playing the stock market is actually the best choice for me.
  23. Stocks are fluid... if you can accurately predict how stocks will move, you can make a lot of money... being wrong about how a stock will move in future does not make you a liar, just as incorrectly forecasting the weather does not make you a liar.
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