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Everything posted by magley64

  1. 400 isn't impossible, but you're likely to need to do some work to it... I got heather's 450 for $200, and within an hour of getting it home I had it purring like a kitten... Still needs some work, but it will be a fine learner bike once I get a few things patched up.
  2. Not even comparable... Unless everyone was on the road all the time (as is the case with health care) Also car companies could deny you a car even if you had the money because you were in a wreck once... Or once you were in a fender bender, the car company took away your car, and wouldn't allow you to buy another... There are so many holes in the analogy... It's great fun and very convincing to a whole lot of "good ol' boys" though, so kudos on that.
  3. So you can't find any faults with the premises, or the logic stemming from them... so you take a thinly veiled pot shot at me as being somehow naive to the needs of these types of laws.
  4. use with caution... these things mask battery problems better than they prevent them. If your first start up for a long day of riding is fresh off the tender, you could have a weak battery and not even realize it. Then you find out at a gas station in the middle of nowhere.
  5. I believe the opposite is true... His actions were MORE dangerous that he did not hit his target from that range. It means he was not a good enough marksman to hit it, and had he missed up instead of down he could have injured or killed one of the children.
  6. Nobody is talking about voter registration... they are talking about voter ID laws. Many eligible people are already registered, and have been registered, but don't have a photo ID. No you don't None of those are your civic duty, none of those affect policy... Bullshit, name 20... It's unecessary, and addresses nothing more than a statistical anomoly, while disenfranchising a number of voters.
  7. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sharon-van-epps/the-legacy-of-ethiopian-adoptee-hana-williams_b_4267832.html
  8. I've already said, whichever is less crowded, but I liked to be given the choice. Screw you, if it's privately owned, it should be the choice of the owner what is or is not allowed. The argument for these I understand... I've got no arguments against hospitals, federal buildings, or state buildings... people typically don't go there by choice... But if a church wants to allow smoking, far be it from me to tell them what to do... if a guy running his own BW3 or QSL wants to allow smoking, they should be in charge of that. I'm just surprised most bars haven't gone to being "private" and just charge a dollar for "membership" to get around the smoking bullshit.
  9. My point is why bring this guy up for this type of stupid bullshit... Please let me know when he guns down another unarmed kid, but I don't give a shit about his speeding or smacking around any woman stupid enough to live with him.
  10. I'm a non-smoker, and I've never really been bothered by second hand smoke... especially from another room... and I love the smell of cigars, in spite of never having smoked one. Back when there were restaurants with smoking or non smoking sections I would tell the host/hostess to put me wherever there was more room. Smoking is disgusting to YOU, but your steak might be "just plain disgusting" to someone else. Littering is a separate issue... if there are ash trays on the table, then you can just put cigarette butts there, right? As for the perfect world, I'm pretty happy with the one I live in...
  11. It's pretty self explanatory, buy stocks you expect to go up in value, sell them when they peak (or you think they peak) and buy more stocks you expect to go up in value...
  12. Is he the new Kardashian? Who gives a shit, until he guns down another unarmed kid...
  13. That was my strategy, buy large volumes of cheap stocks and hope they go up more than down.
  14. you're streaking the hearing? lol
  15. got 3 stocks I'm liking...*rubs hands together*
  16. I figured you knew NM was a state, I was just being condescending for comic effect...
  17. New Mexico.... It's a state in the United States... also, Why didn't the officer just reach in and take the keys out... that would have stopped the fleeing.
  18. The sooner we have self driving cars, the better, let the people who suck at driving just chill and fiddle with their facebook while their cars drive them around...
  19. Yes, the people decided.... so when an overwhelming majority decide that motorcycles should be outlawed, and pass a law to do so, you'll be cool with it?People have spoken man... they don't want their roads polluted with motorcycles. They are public roads, right? More so than private businesses that sell alcohol and serve greasy food.
  20. Everyone in helmets all the time, car helmets, bicycle helmets, walking helmets, cooking helmets, fucking helmets...
  21. I'd rock the fairing, but I like a nice stereo on my bike.
  22. enforcement should be up to the owner, not the government...
  23. Have you ever heard of a "no smoking section"? Shouldn't it be a business owner's right to allow legal activities within their own establishments?
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