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Everything posted by magley64

  1. Psychology majors can make a lot of money in their field... philosophy majors can.. well... teach philosophy...
  2. Well wait, why wasn't bush jr impeached? He did most of the same, hell, he started a lot of this under the patriot act.
  3. Both are a form of inductive reasoning. First questions "what do we know, and what are we trying to figure out?"
  4. i was just looking at that article... and again, the wording is sketchy so their 6% earned all of their money, and that's all the money they have, the 69% "earned some, or all of their money" but in the 69% you have people who inherited 2 million and turned it into 30 million...so that's kinda misleading...
  5. The waltons, paris hilton, the koch brothers? Edit: after a quick search, the defintion of "inherited wealth" vs "earned wealth" is kind of sketchy... if you inherited 2 million and invested it to get 20 million, you're still a silver spoon baby, you didn't earn money, your money earned money,
  6. Wealth isn't driven or determined by intelligence... usually it's just blind luck... There are some people who truly earn their way to wealth, but most of the wealthy are born into it.
  7. Nope, but I tutored physics and philosophy in college....
  8. Also, there are a number of drivers who only drive because they have to, they have no interest in motoring, they don't care about it at all and only give it enough attention to keep the vehicle in the general direction they want to go... "steerers" if you will. Motorcyclists are likely more interested in motorized conveyance than the average person, so they spend more energy and focus on it... Just a thought...
  9. I havent gotten a reponse from Jinu as to what constitutes crazy new gun laws... Or what a new law would purport to prevent... Voter ID laws are purported by their supporters to prevent voter fraud, but what they are really trying to prevent is democrats voting. Gun control laws (background checks, gun registration, etc) are purported to keep people who shouldn't have guns from getting them. Background checks for the very large, legal distribution network of firearms retail sales, and gun registration for the very large legal network of second hand sales.
  10. I fully expect that it has to do with situational awareness.
  11. I'm talking about the effects of not addressing the issues. do the effects matter?
  12. Wow, it must be nice to have such a black and white view of the world... What if you aren't for killing either? or for killing both? are you a republicat, or a democan?
  13. please define "crazy, ineffective gun control laws" also, what happens when someone who isn't supposed to vote, votes? And what happens when someone who isn't supposed to have a gun, gets a gun?
  14. LOL, has anyone else heard of the "Presidential Medal of Freedom from Obama"?
  15. http://news.yahoo.com/obama-to-make-obamacare-statement-at-11-35-a-m-145708141.html?vp=1 keep your old plans...
  16. Can't argue with facts... lol
  17. I've been against the individual mandate since day one... I understand why it's there, as a give back to an insurance industry that still needs to turn a profit... This is one of the first posts i made on the subject (so far as I can find) Especially since someone can claim "religious objection" to health coverage... wait a sec ...looks like I found my loophole. Ðuaneism is now my official religion and opposes health coverage unless provided by an employer. Other than this, I think the bill is pretty good.
  18. I wear a seatbelt every time I'm driving a car, and any time I ride in the front seat... I wear my helmet 99% of the time if I'l be travelling at sustained speeds faster than I can pedal a bicycle, and 70% of the time if I'm not... I'm overwhelmingly for helmet and seat belt use, and overwhelmingly against laws requiring them.
  19. I think seatbelt laws for adults are stupid, too.. The government can stop trying to protect me from myself already...
  20. If ever there were a non story... This is just a recommendation from the cdc, not even a bill in Ohio's governing bodies, or the federal governing bodies...
  21. You gotta make sure your 110 legs are from opposing phases or you won't get 220, you'll get zero.
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