Maybe you don't have a job this month. Maybe you don't have the full amount this month. Maybe you do have the money, but just want to build up credit, or get rewards points. These are situations in which credit cards sure come in handy. When I bought my TV, i got a best buy card, I didn't really have 1,000 in the bank, but they gave me 3 years at no interest (free money for 3 years) so I pay $50 a month and i'll have it knocked out before they start the interest. When i used to use my sears card, i had the money in the bank, and when the bill came due, I paid it in full. (free loan for 1 month, plus built up my credit to buy a house, and gave me rewards points to spend on what usually ended up being gift cards to outback) When I became unemployed, My credit cards bought fuel oil to heat the house, groceries when needed, and anything else that came up that we couldn't cover during that time. I just used my credit card to buy wheels and snow tires for my car. I don't really have the money right now, but I have a year with no interest (free money for a year) and I'll have most (if not all) paid up before they start charging interest.