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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I'd concur that the democratic base are large metropolitan areas, new york, los angeles, and a number of other big cities. The dark blue states are heavily populated and new england. I wouldn't say the democratic base is composed of gang bangers.
  2. So you're telling me that the majority of evangelicals and fundies are NOT republicans? The bible belt is NOT the republican base? The dark red states are NOT overwhelmingly inhabited by deeply religious people?
  3. This is my normal operating procedure, but when I have things I'm going to need or want anyway, and I'm not going to be charged interest, why not borrow free money? And in the case of rewards cards, why not get those perks? Credit cards do make it easy for people with no discipline to get themselves into trouble in a hurry, but using them correctly, they are a great tool.
  4. Anyone see any masks? I haven't seen any...
  5. Sounds like an awesome option for the renters in the area...
  6. so much for that "100% american made" hook, the piglets will be produced in india for export...
  7. http://www.mediaite.com/online/weeeee-looks-like-foxnews-com-was-hacked/
  8. looks like it's fixed now... edit: well it was, now it's back again, lol
  9. Maybe you don't have a job this month. Maybe you don't have the full amount this month. Maybe you do have the money, but just want to build up credit, or get rewards points. These are situations in which credit cards sure come in handy. When I bought my TV, i got a best buy card, I didn't really have 1,000 in the bank, but they gave me 3 years at no interest (free money for 3 years) so I pay $50 a month and i'll have it knocked out before they start the interest. When i used to use my sears card, i had the money in the bank, and when the bill came due, I paid it in full. (free loan for 1 month, plus built up my credit to buy a house, and gave me rewards points to spend on what usually ended up being gift cards to outback) When I became unemployed, My credit cards bought fuel oil to heat the house, groceries when needed, and anything else that came up that we couldn't cover during that time. I just used my credit card to buy wheels and snow tires for my car. I don't really have the money right now, but I have a year with no interest (free money for a year) and I'll have most (if not all) paid up before they start charging interest.
  10. Plasma refresh rate is commonly 4-10 times as fast as the refresh rate of led/lcd... Historically, one of the best things about plasma.
  11. I think you're the odd man out here... any chance you bought them from walmart? Walmart buys in bulk, and strongarms the manufacturers to make products cheaper exclusively for them. (not sure if this is the case with samsung tv's or not, just a thought)
  12. samsung plasma FTW... early black friday deals should be rolling in, or 24 months same as cash at best buy...
  13. Emergency surgery on cows? Kill 'em, cut off the bruised bit and process them...
  14. I don't wear a watch cause I want my wrists to weigh the same...
  15. But he'll take free federal money to expand medicaid? Nice of him to leave his constituents in middle class situations to fend for themselves against dozens of other states... not that it matters to me personally. My employer offers coverage that qualifies (and that i'll be declining), so I can't use the exchange anyway.
  16. After reading a bunch of the responses I realize how fortunate i am to have the family I have... Dad is 100% good for any penny he borrows, no questions asked. If i got it and he needs it, he can borrow it for as long as he needs, even if it puts me in a pinch. Sis is 100% good for it "eventually". She has 3 kids and she needs to provide for them first. I trust she will always pay me back when she can, so I give her what she needs, too. Both of them have lent me money when needed, and they trust me 100% as well.. it's just the way we roll.
  17. That is why ohio should have their own "store"... Get off your ass kasich... also, i just did the math. the individual mandate tax penalty is going to cost me $322.50 this year, and insurance through my work would cost me ~$1400
  18. Sounds like you've correctly assesed the situation... i'd respectfully decline with "sorry, can't do it"
  19. I'm gonna have to upgrade my RF-1000's at some point... hope to squeeze another year or 2 out of the current set... This looks like an option
  20. Personally, Immediate family only... They wouldn't be asking me if they didn't really need it. I also make sure it's not anything I'll be missing if I don't see it for quite a while... if they are in that big of a pickle, they might need some time to get it back. I've loaned and borrowed from my dad and my sister, currently I owe my dad a small chunk of change, but I'm hoping to have him paid back before the end of the year. I'll have my sis paid up this month. I prefer to be on the loaning side than on the borrowing side.
  21. This... I don't ride like I'm invisible because people are idiots (though they usually are) but because sometimes people really don't see you. Their brains may be preoccupied thinking about their kid who they are meeting at the hospital, or thinking about how they are going to explain to their wife that they will be struggling until they find their next job. People are human, they make mistakes, even smart ones.
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