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Everything posted by magley64

  1. I haven't been in a ditch in over 12 years.... but I've pulled 2 or 3 a year out every year except the last 2 (really mild the last 2, not a lot of snow) This past year I just pulled 1 out... all seasons SMH... 6" of snow? come on man, why don't you roll through when it REALLY snows... 6" is a dusting.
  2. They do fine with cars, and nobody is gentle with a rental car...
  3. I love RWD in the winter. So much fun to be had drifting it around corners...
  4. Well the upshot of snow tires is you can pass those slow pokes, even if the passing lane isn't plowed... Dad was coming home from work last winter on a fresh set of blizzaks in his cobalt, came up on some slow moving traffic, signalled a pass, and around he went... Turns out the vehicle he just passed was a police car. Flashed his red and blues for a second then turned them off (guess he realized he was nowhere near the speed limit...)
  5. His record doesn't matter. What's obvious in the video is he's drunk off his ass, stares down the blonde girl, and slams her in the face, just to be a dick. She poses no threat to him, even as hard as she's trying. She may as well have been a 10 yr old girl for as much force as she could inflict.
  6. Most I've passed at once was 10. Biggest fear was that one of the 10 would get impatient, not see me passing and dart out in front or into me...
  7. The only "investigation" is written accounts translated half a dozen times after being spoken word of mouth for 3 generations... There is no real evidence he ever existed...
  8. Tire rack has wheel and tire combos for 200 a wheel, I think I'm going with the studded Winterforce this year.
  9. Bring your all seasons to Ashtabula county, we'll pull you out of the ditch...
  10. If this winter is anything like they are saying, you're gonna want grip over the next 4 months... Of course columbus doesn't get it near as bad as bula, so maybe you won't need it... our snow is measured in feet, not an "all season" area.
  11. On a bike, I'll definitely pass on the double yellow if I have decent visiblity...
  12. Someone Quick, Kick him in the shins.
  13. I'm a browns fan... Jets can't be any worse, lol
  14. He most definitely looks inebriated...
  15. Watch the video, He's obviously drunk, staring the blonde chick down. He's not in the middle of a scrap, he's staring her down and punches her in the face...It was like a brandon weeden pass... He's also smiling and laughing the whole time.
  16. Against something perhaps, but not open air.
  17. Look at 12 seconds into the video, does he punch that guy? no just deflects... He wanted to be a dickhead and punch a woman, no more no less. You can't tell me he felt in any more danger from the blonde girl than he did the kid in the blue shirt...
  18. New STP with Chester Bennington as lead singer... Not bad.
  19. Not many...I'm a pretty friendly guy.
  20. There is no evidence that those were open air shots (meaning there was nothing behind the head to stop it accelerating with the punch) I concur with what you're saying... The situation depicted in that video is not "reasonable" force in my opinion. He wasn't taking any damage from that woman.
  21. *cough* bullshit... sorry... I've got a strong enough grasp of the physics involved. Unless you can prove any of this I'm going to continue to call bullshit. Not that I want anyone's wife hitting me, I'm going to stick to my standards and ensure you that there is no reason to punch a woman in the face... any woman... for any reason... are there women who can knock me out? ... I'm sure of it Would I hit any of them, especially in the face? Absolutely not.
  22. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you're exaggerating... even heavyweight boxers don't break bones like that. She might hit me hard enough to knock me out, but it would take more force than an unassisted punch to do the things you're describing. (not only does she have to hit me with enough force to break the bones, but accelerate faster than my head would move during the hit) As the fist hits the face, the face reacts by moving in the same direction after the initial impact.... it's physics. I still wouldn't hit her..and most certainly not in the face.
  23. You don't have to be a sexist to know that women have much less muscle mass than men in general...
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