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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. Never had a foxbody, but I completely agree. This car in the this color makes me want to get one. I wish I had a bigger garage PS. Pick Rick
  2. Wow, that sucks. I am neck deep into restoring my 69 so I know how much of a pain in the ass it is to get re-fabbed panels to fit right. Good luck with it. Oh, and in before you get the 2500 dollar offer to buy it now.
  3. Good to hear you found someone Joe. I know I am too late, but I also have had a great deal of luck the SigmaTec. I just wish they were closer to New Albany.
  4. I need to have the pressed bearings on my ford 9" axles replaced. Does anyone have a recommendation for a place that is near the New Albany area? Thanks in advance.
  5. Looks good Shawn. I agree about the color.... purple truck is purple.... until you get it outside .
  6. I have meetings today that will make this not work, but it sure sounds like fun.
  7. Just drive around the old continent and you will see them.
  8. This might have been posted somewhere else and I missed, but what charity is this going to?
  9. We stopped by for a few minutes with Mojoe. It looks like you had a good turnout.
  10. Great write up Brian. That car sounds like more than a handful.
  11. Cool pics. I think my favorites were the really old cars. Its nice to see nameplates last a long as they do.
  12. It was a good time today. I ran my best time of 36.9 something. At 240 I don't think that is too horrible. I am not very consistent at being able to put a great lap together all at one time. The track is tons better than when I went early on in the year. I hope they stick with the cars thing in the morning. It will just take time to really get a following of people to show up again and again.
  13. You realize this is tomorrow, right? Your post makes it sound like you think its going on right now.
  14. Great looking car! I hope to see it at Cars and coffee sometime.
  15. There is also the Springfield swap meet. May 23-25. http://www.ohioswapmeet.com/
  16. Looks good! I wish the 1LE was around when I bought my Camaro.
  17. For what its worth I used to keep my 69 Camaro in various storage facilities up north by the Johnstown area when I had a house with no garage. I never had a problem with them, but I would readily agree with Andy, keep the car close by, or else it gets very hard to get the desire to drive over to it to pull it out of storage. I almost sold my car because I rarely drove it for this reason.
  18. That sucks, sorry to hear this. All the cars on our street we gone through last year. We lost a camera because of it. Normally we don't keep anything in the cars but it was the night we got back from the Road Rally last year. I just missed the fact that the camera was in the glove box. And didn't lock the car from sheer stupidity and exhaustion. Luckily no windows were broken like yours.
  19. Congrats!! That car looks great in white. Cant wait to see it out at cars and coffee.
  20. http://www.dispatch.com/content/stories/business/2014/01/03/easton-buys-shrine-temple-property.html Google ftw.
  21. If you decide to sell stuff separate let me know, I would be interested in the Racing wheel.
  22. Not to get to far off topic, but a 1SS still has the same motor and the same horsepower ratings. I still wish Subaru would go back to a more rally style look for the WRX. Big fog lights, smaller car, a basic interior. Focus more on performance. Hopefully they will bring back something I like before my 02 finally kicks the bucket. It has been by and far the best daily driver I have ever owned.
  23. I was really disappointed with what Subaru ended up with compared to what the concept looked like. Here is the concept http://www.autoblog.com/photos/subaru-wrx-concept-new-york-2013/ Here is what we got http://www.autoblog.com/photos/2015-subaru-wrx-la-2013/ The STI isn't much better. The wing did little to make it look more aggressive. And for 40K 305 HP isnt enough. At 32k my Camaro makes 426.... (but is still heavy as a tank and slow ) Had the final product come even close to the concept I would be inline to buy one right now.
  24. Looks good Derek! Glad to see you back in a car you can enjoy.
  25. Errr.... there are two different cars being pictured. The first is the ford of the lady who hit him and the second is his maxima. Glad you are all right.
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