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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. Not digging it. Felt like I am looking at a Civic/Fusion cross. I also like the 02 - 08 years of Imprezas.
  2. I have only seen one of these done, and the person went ahead and purchased some special tool set from Cadillac. They were able to sell the set after they finished redoing the threads, but I really think that is was needed to do the thread replacement at all. Good luck
  3. I guess that should have been stipulated, I would only recommend the turbo version of the Legacy. I am also more partial to 2003 - 2009 body style. The newer one fails IMO.
  4. My vote is for the legacy. I would say that the legacy suspension in stock form wasn't great at all. It had a lot of body roll, and was just way to soft not enough feed back. That being said, a set of aftermarket springs made a world of difference.
  5. He sure does, I was behind him on 161 just before that pic was taken. His car moves out. I also spotted SpaceGhosts wife, but didn't wave. I didn't want to get flipped off.
  6. Congrats Sean, March 21 is a great day to be born
  7. Any idea if this would fit a 69 camaro? was this a kit or a custom set up?
  8. Hi Mike, Nice looking new bike Welcome to the board.
  9. I am looking for recommendations for work I need done to the Camaro. I am looking for a shop to do the following: Paint removal: there are several layers on the car right now and I want them removed. Rust removal: both front fenders have rust in the outside skin of the fender. Its not super bad but I need it cut out and new metal welded into place. The same goes for some spots around the the rear window. Standard body work to make sure the car looks straight Paint the car. Nothing to outrageous, but I do want the rust to be removed and new metal put not just filled with bondo. I started the project, and currently the car's front clip is off the car. I have sand blasted the sub-frame and repainted it and reinstalled it back under the car. I also started redoing the control arms, but found that one of them was cracked and needs replaced. I am hoping to do find a replacement this weekend. So if you have any shop recommendations that do older cars and do a good job. Please let me know. Thanks for reading.
  10. It was a great ride. I ended up beside some Ohio rider bikes in one of the earlier legs of ride. It was weird running all of the lights. The first couple I had to remember to keep going. Then after a bit I didn't even look at the lights or the signs I would do this run next year. It was a way to spend a Saturday.
  11. Ya, thats just a minute from my condo. Scary! It was the condos right past Hamilton on Central College when heading away from Columbus.
  12. YEP, Bought tires off of him this past week end and he was great to deal with. Good price, good service. Couldn't ask for anything more.
  13. Err you still get tickets that are real if you dont put money in them.
  14. I saw that yesterday at easton as well. Didnt realize it was anything special from a distance.
  15. Good read in a f-ed up scary kind of way.
  16. Did the wheels stay in same place when they were replaced? Could be a bent wheel.
  17. 3rd for Sigma Tech ZB knows his stuff and his prices are very competitive.
  18. That is funny, we live right down the street from there. I only had dinner there once, it wasnt bad, but nothing great. Guess they made their living off the drugs and not the food anyhow.
  19. Your link is wrong... delete the bracket at the end. That is just plane( ) awesome!
  20. I have 2 2002 WRX, all stock except for a catless up pipe. One has 160k on it, the other has 135k on it. All I have done so far is regular maintenance items.
  21. The mini van took some damage. We didn't find the owner until the car was fully on fire. So he couldn't move it. There is also a dodge neon behind the tree. It actually caught on fire as well from the Impala. Bad start to the day.
  22. No idea... the newest version I think. bad picture of aftermath http://i252.photobucket.com/albums/hh18/Crom2112/IMG_0235.jpg
  23. Chevy Impala. Not sure who owned it. It went from smoking a little.... to smoking a lot, to on fire. We called the fire department as soon as we saw it smoking a little. They didnt show up until it was on fire (A LOT).
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