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Everything posted by Vulcan900

  1. I have a birthday party to go to or I would be there. Have fun guys. Thanks Trish for setting this up.
  2. Here is another recommendation for Joe's CCW class. The personal instruction during the range part of the class is well worth the price of admission.
  3. You can use any laptop hard-drive. Just buy the 5 dollar case from amazon. Atleast that is what I read when I took my 20 gig out of my old case and put it into the slim hard drive case to put in my replacement 360.
  4. Just wanted to say Niki and I took the class this past weekend and it was completely awesome. Joe and Howard really know their stuff. They made sure everyone was completely comfortable from the get go. That was really a feat since I had only shot a few times before this and Niki maybe 2 or 3 times ever. Joe and Howard had an up hill battle from the start. The shooting portion of the class was stellar. With just a few directions Howard had me shooting in a very tight group. It was high and to the left a little but still in the 10 ring. And it was consistent. What was even more amazing was how quickly they had Niki comfortable with a firearm. She genuinely had a good time shooting, and I attribute all of that completely to how at ease Joe and Howard made her feel when firing the gun. For the tldr; people. GO TAKE THE CLASS!!!
  5. Thanks for the help today Mark. The car looks great! Thank you Joe for hosting. It was nice meeting everyone. To bad the weather wasn't the greatest.
  6. Thanks for the help. I will PM you sometime this weekend Matt, after I talk with her and make sure everything is good.
  7. I knew there used to be someone that did, just checking to see if they still do. I need a laptop for a grandma. It doesn't have to be super, it just has to be reliable. She has a few hundred dollars to spend(350ish) , and I was hoping I could get some insight on what laptops are better than the others beyond the normal process/harddrive/ram numbers. Thanks for any help.
  8. Looking good Rick. When are you taking it to the track?
  9. Good looking car. Congrats on the purchase.
  10. Saw the car on 270 on the way home from work. Looked fast on the trailer Congrats on how the car is doing. It has come a long way in a short amount of time.
  11. Yeah, I really do not think the guy running the show was planning on having that many cars. He seemed flustered when we were registering. I heard him mention that he had no idea this many would show up. Its all good though since it is for a good cause.
  12. We had a great time too. Your car sounded great on the spirited drive home. Too bad I couldn't keep up any better. Still had fun.
  13. Great write up Joe. This whole experience was just plain awesome. Niki and I both will plan on going next year. This year the highlights for me was Watkins Glen and Camp Sunshine. We have pics on the phone and camera, we just need to go through them.
  14. Nice looking car. Love the color
  15. Big thanks to Derek for the help on my alignment for my camaro. I cant recommend his shop enough, even though he did give me crap about my music. I have over 1000 songs on my thumb drive, who knew you would go from heavy metal to Mozart.
  16. I asked at work and this is what I was given. http://rightfax.com/ Hope that helps.
  17. I will ask around at work tomorrow to see what we use. I am guessing it needs to enforce HIPPA as well since we are a drug company.
  18. are you only thinking new or are used cars in the market? I picked up a 2010 Mazda speed 3 for your price range and so far its been a great daily driver. All of the options Clay listed would mostly likely be a better alternative... but thats only going off what I have read about the Hyundai. I do not know of anyone that has one personally. There was one(matte black) at the cars and coffee a few weeks ago. Not sure if that person is on here or not.
  19. Nice pics, thanks for posting them.
  20. Looking good so far. Will enjoy seeing the completed video.
  21. But he has new tires now. He should crush everyone
  22. Vulcan900


    Completely agree. Much better than I thought it would be. Definitely worth renting.
  23. Bringing this back up from the dead. We got an alternate spot, and are all registered for the event and the hotels. I know a few people are going, did you guys want to meet up before the event to see about doing a caravan to NY.
  24. actually laughed at most of these. Good video.
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