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Everything posted by warpspeed

  1. its not too hard. Use ziplock bags for the bolts you remove and label them....that helps ALOT. Also, the heat shields are optional btw.
  2. warpspeed


    went by a yota dealer tonight...thought about stopping in and telling them I HAD to have a 09 tonight, no matter what the cost lol
  3. warpspeed


    bahahhahah went by a chevy dealer today...had a yota sitting out front with "this car cannot be sold" on the windshield!!! rofl
  4. post up the dimensions.... might be interested if I can make these fit the rr
  5. I shall be there if possible.!!!!! its awesome.
  6. you speak truth. and the vid was badass TFS!!!
  7. ummm that'd be a bitch to pay for a wrecked RC8........they are ugly enough to begin with... (from the front)
  8. yea its hazardous to your health especially on a sportbike cuz you ARE going to be hauling tail. And with all the unknowns on public roads, its hazardous. I've been down, I've seen my friend go down and have a 68K hospital bill......chances of something happening on a sportbike IS greater. Unless you obey lawdawg 100% of the time. but do i still ride? HECK YEA!!!
  9. I have a buncha 600rr stuff on 600rr.net... http://www.600rr.net/vb/showthread.php?t=177630
  10. whatever happend to a punch and hammer? (course i was always replacing them anyway)
  11. lol one of the taillights is out halfway thru the vid...wonder what happend
  12. here's most of what I have to do to the 600rr yet Get more money and pay for/order: 03 air tubes SS brake lines & maybe 07 master cylinder paint the race fairings safety wire pliers and wire new tires back/chest protector under suit ---------------------------------------- Put safety wire on oil filter and oil plugs Install 03 air tubes Install fairings Install new tires
  13. i want to trade the 675 for a yamaha midnight warrior....after my friend going down and having a 86K (yes $86,000) hospital bill a couple months ago, im a little nervous about pushing the limits on a sportbike on the street. Thus why I got a track only bike, the 600rr.
  14. it alll looks great main!!! looks like ALOT of time in it.
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