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Everything posted by warpspeed

  1. accident around 4:30, and he had a Blood test around 5 or 6 pm..... It showed 44.5 "POINTS?" alcohol in his blood , normal level is 40 "Points"....He hadn't had anything to drink since 1 beer friday night, positive thats all he had. Why would alcohol show in the blood test 48 hours later? and how much really over is 44.5? is that alot? serious answers please, we are trying to figure this out. He don't want that on his record, mainly for health insurance to see.
  2. Leon AKA 600RRider went down today.... (guessing because he don't remember and we were just far enough behind to not see it happen) bike lowsided. He had a broken finger, wrist, and elbow, the elbow was also dislocated. And concussion... no popo-loaded the bike up and took him to the hospital.....they are keeping him there overnight. Knocked both shoes and one glove off him. Safe bet he'd be bout dead with no helmet. Jacket really helped too.
  3. warpspeed


    so I installed DDM 4500k 35W HID's on the cts-v foglights tonight..... unforgivably ridiculously bright. And they are pointed at the ground 15ft in front of the car, yet everyone brights me. Don't blame them. And 4500K is plenty blue, you go much more than that and its ricey IMO. I wish I would have went with 4K I like the real white look. as far as the bike goes, I want to be seen. I'd prolly put 55w in the high and 35k in low and aim them properly.
  4. yea If we had guaranteed snow I'd have a http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LN_PJtr7tb4&feature=PlayList&p=41DF5ABCD4826E1D&index=3 imagine being able to do wheelies year around in ohio
  5. warpspeed


    I got a set of DDM hid waiting to be installed in my cars foglights....can't give a solid review yet
  6. not enough. like 2k. I've had like no chance to ride it seems like
  7. I use the stuff on the left. max power QFT.
  8. I want that suit, it will def fit me. FORIZZLE!!
  9. wow I used brake cleaner all the time to clean parts
  10. warpspeed


    Whats the best motorcycle chock to put in a Chevy 2500 truck bed? Needs to be removable, simple, and well built. and dustin what brand is that front stand you have I need one
  11. with fords AND harleys name on these trucks i'd be suprised if they EVER ran
  12. I know mine and the r6 will go atleast 30 miles on reserve
  13. i'd buy it but already got a garage full of other rides that took all my money.
  14. I got a spyder bite about a month ago and its only gone away 95% now
  15. that 450sm is pretty much my dream bike....
  16. liability. and alot of farmers hunt on their own land. I let 1 or 2 other people hunt on our land occasionally if its for the meat. Keep the big racks to meself.
  17. decent car cept for its a wagon
  18. my motorcycle experience would suck too if i started with something like that
  19. my life dream is to ride a bike w/out forks.
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