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Everything posted by AOW

  1. AOW

    Great tire deal

    I know the area well. Family has condo on beach in Monterey.
  2. AOW

    The New Ride

    I would love to host Casper and his traveling circus this year or when the fuck ever! CbrGirl could always fly out to enjoy the beaches and lack of humidity before you get here (this will also allow you to stay on the road longer w/less flack from the wife )
  3. AOW

    Great tire deal

    Gooner: what part of Cali are you in?
  4. believe original concept was by BMY called the Schneekrad.
  5. the wife and I have been foster parents (and adoptive) for 8 years now. BELIEVE you me, there are a shit load of kids and families within the USA borders that need help first and foremost. I've always said we should just overthrow the Mexican "government" and make it a province like we did w/Puerto Rico. Hell of a lot easier to fix if you run the place.
  6. AOW

    The New Ride

    Congrats on the new ride! Looks awesome... When's your ride out to the CA?
  7. clean & regap plugs: done upgrade low beam to 55w HID: done Install insulator in new slip on: done move front signals to triple tree: done modify windscreen: not yet New Sidi Canyon Gortex boots: waiting on delivery
  8. I really don't feel like planting the lemon or orange trees today....
  9. AOW

    They got me.

    For certain offenses some states (I've been ticketed in most of them), will make you appear infront of the judge. Has very little if anything to do with the cost of the fines, more about what they perceive as seriousness of the offense(s). CO will demand you appear if you are going 20mph over the speed limit. If you are an out of stater they tend to add things on the tix (like careless driving), to force your appearance in court. When I got pinched in NE and was told I had to appear, I phoned the courthouse and we were able to haggle things out over the phone. Only downside is that you almost always have to plead guilty en lieu of traveling back to the state of the offense.
  10. I only got in 215 miles today. Took a ride to St. Helena (near Napa) via Oakland. Got rained on for good part of the way to Oakland and Napa. High was barely 50〫and it didn't last long. Great 215 miles though!
  11. Cali is good. Just got back from a ride w/an F owner, to Napa Via lunch stop in Oakland. Rained on us a few times, but nothing close to the OH rain. Got a little chilly, but all and all it was a god day and ride. You find work down there? There's quite a few V owners in FL

  12. that's a whole lotta stupid right thar.
  13. 90% of what my crotchlings watch is pre-recorded. Either DVD or DVR. No commercials, no explanations. The other 10% is Nick Jr., Disney, or Sprout. Don't have to worry about dick jokes or commercials on those channels. It is not fair that those w/crotchlings seek to have networks censored further and punish others that just want to watch a show and enjoy the dick jokes and the pussy commercials.
  14. Please name 1 black only college, and please name 1 black only basketball team. A team comprised of all blacks because the white boys are afraid to join, afraid to try out, or just aren't good enough to make the team does not count. NAACP The USA history was written by the whites for the whites. Very little if any black/African-American/Negro/what the fuck ever, is included in those text books. It's no secret that historically this country was/is racist. I respect this guy that created this white only league more than most other racist assholes. Reason being, he's upfront and honest with his racism and stupidity. Others just pretend to tolerate the "minorities" because it's the proper thing to do in public. I bet you my friend are convinced that the only blacks that had any historical contributions are Dr. Martin Luther King, Eli Whitney (cotton gin), and George Washington Carver. Not your fault, it's just the way we teach history in this country, and most are content with never seeking the truth for themselves. NBA: USA is the only country that calls a person with 1 black parent black/African-American/Negro/ what ever they're fucking called these days. Everywhere else, let's say France, they're still just called French. Point being, not every person you view as black in the NBA considers themselves black per USA standards. If there were a higher percentage of white boys that could ball worth a damn, you would see more of them represented in professional sports such as NFL or NBA.
  15. WOW, must have crappy homeowners' insurance if it didn't cover loss of property contained within the dwelling. The only way it shouldn't cover the loss of vehicles is if the vehicles loss is/was covered under a separate policy. If not covered, the homeowners' insurance should cover it. Be very surprised if it isn't actually covered.
  16. no one is forcing you to turn on the tv or allow your children to watch tv. I pay my cable bill not my kids, so the tv is on when I say it's on and tuned to what I allow it to be tuned to. I don't need another company telling me what I should or shouldn't see, I already have a wife that takes care of that.
  17. You make your wife sleep in the basement? You're my new hero!
  18. The media shouldn't care. Every TV being sold on the market comes w/V-chip. Feel free to set that up and pw protect it to hide the crap you don't want your kids to see. I have two 3yr olds and a 6yr old and I know exactly what they are watching and when they are watching it. They NEVER watch TV without me or the wife sitting with them. The only exception is pre selected DVDs. It's not the government's or the media's responsibility to let you know what your kids can't or shouldn't be watching. My 6yo still isn't allowed to watch Spongebob because I didn't like the theme of the program when it came out or when I last watched an episode (about 3yrs ago). Before you allow your kids to watch a TV show, you need to watch it yourself first. Somehow, Someway, all the Euro countries and Canada are able to play these types of commercials and damn near pornographic TV shows and the parents do their job of policing their children's viewing selections and habits.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9WPNhlzGoM0
  20. looks kick ass, but with them being red and in the front you're gonna get ass raped by the po po, fo sho! Still bad ass though!
  21. believe the secret rules also call for spell check
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