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Everything posted by AOW

  1. Congrats on the new bike
  2. I've been kicking around the notion of picking up either the Canyon Gore-Tex or the Sport Rain boot. Both have replaceable soles. Have Icons for now.
  3. Park near light pole, lock forks and then cable lock to said light pole. Ideally, light pole would be in direct view of front door and security camera(s). I still vote for using laptop shipping box. I've shipped my laptop all over the world (England, Canada, damn near all 50 states), and have NEVER had a problem with the laptop. The box got f'd, but the laptop was unscathed.
  4. "With all due respect Sir, everyday I wake up and proudly serve my god and my country without hesitation. I know my god is a forgiving god and would pray that my country would be equally as forgiving to a dedicated soldier that made an error in judgement Sir"
  5. must of been one hell of a tool kit!
  6. Glad she's alright and ready to get back out there! Now if we can just convince her to complete her riding gear w/set of pants
  7. AOW

    03/22 Ride

    I have a soft sided cooler that could fit and keep 18 cold ones +ice.
  8. EXCITE Bike on the original Nintendo
  9. If his hotel is near MOA (Mall of America) there ain't jack shit out there as far as people, so theft won't really be an issue. Plus if you let the front desk know your bike is there, they do a good job of keeping an eye on it. purchase a laptop ship box from Staples or such. Hell, I've purchased several laptops from Dell, and everyone that was shipped arrived w/o issues. Those laptop ship boxes are damn near bullet proof.
  10. AOW

    03/22 Ride

    Recon, hit me up if you decide to go out this Friday. Temps supposed to be 60s and mostly sun!
  11. You do know that if one of your parents is a US citizen and you are born out of the country, you are still a US citizen...
  12. there's a couple of us that ride our Harleys instead decorating our garages with'em...
  13. I totally forgot about that thing!! That was the greatest toy ever, especially if you put dual stage rocket engines on either side and ignited just before the launch!
  14. pix and threads like these really make me miss my CBR!!
  15. welcome. I don't have a sport bike but if you want to hit some roads during the week hit me up!
  16. I know the spring like weather has most of us thinking the roads are ready for us to shred, but after my 300 mile round trip trek to Washington, PA today..... Take it easy out there. Theres still toooo much frick'n sand and shit all over the place. Glad whoever it was, was able to walk away from it. All The Gear All The Time!! Be Smart out there.
  17. No problem. Just didn't want to have anyone get lost or go down w/no one else around. I been there done that and it ain't fun. I ride my bike all year round and was pretty sure the roads were gonna be crappy, but damn!!! Thought I was driving on the beach there was so much sand being kicked up!
  18. fixed it for ya! I get what your saying, but pretty sure it's gonna be lost on most of us on this thread as we weren't the ones that went down.
  19. I'm w/Reconrat on just replacing the sprocket. Can't vouch for you, but when I ey something up it never quite lines up perfect.
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