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Everything posted by AOW

  1. AOW

    Trailer Hitch

    Odds are your '04 is pre wired for it, you'll just need an adapter. Take a look under there and see if you find a wiring harness... If not, couple of splice clamps and you're golden. Sure someone on here would be willing to help out w/wiring.
  2. Panoptx (7-eye) Charuda, even when I wear the FF, nice to have eyes protected when I flip up visor at speed
  3. AOW

    more damage!!

    Looking good girl!
  4. The "warrant" was against stains and breakage. If you don't install properly it can crack. Granite is porous and can soak up stains. Lowe's "treats" their granite to prevent it from absorbing stains. Some call it a sealer, but it's actually a impregnator. The granite soaks up the impregnator so when or if you spill something that would usually stain or etch the granite (vinegar for instance), the spill can not pass through deep enough to actually stain.
  5. Fieldsheer textile jacket w/armor is good gear. I don't know if his jacket has the armor (99% of Fieldsheer's shit does), but if it does, it is on par with leather. It ain't like he's riding with a jean jacket. for those that haven't heard of Akuma, guessing you don't have a military background. They're decent helmets. Hell, at least he's wearing a FF instead of a halfie, open face, or going total squid!!
  6. It's pretty:monkeypoo: when your first post is whoring your company. I did yard work most of the a.m., did a short ride, came home and had a couple of beers. Much better than going up to hoochie fest '09
  7. Panoptx is now 7-eye, so the Panoptx selection at Iron Pony are just the leftover stock that still have the Panoptx stamp on them. The selection of the leftovers are crappy at best. Check out THIS WEBSITE for the latest and greatest. They actually let you try before you buy. I have the Panoptx Charuda w/removable eye cups. When I ride w/my halfie ( rarely) I pop the eye cups into my pocket when I get to my destination. They have transition lenses, so you can wear them day or night. I use them w/o the eye cups while wearing my modular, keeps crap from flying in your eyes when you flip up the face shield on the go for a bit more air.
  8. AOW

    more damage!!

    hmmm I've seen alot of hot chicks on bikes before, but I've never been able to decipher their career history. You must teach me that one... sucks MJ but at least you saw the damage before you got on and were riding. Would really suck to go grab a brake lever that ain't where it's supposed to be. When I was going to school, I think everything I owned either got farked up or stolen at some point. Best friend decided to take my bike ('82 CM400) for a midnight spin to pick up more beer. Didn't work out very well, he wrecked my bike into the side of his car.
  9. glad you're alright. Definitely get all the gear before doing too many miles on the road. Road rash sucks!
  10. He'll get back on the bike when he's ready, and he'll let you know when he's ready. Just lay back and wait it out.
  11. all I can say is WTF!
  12. AOW

    Ship A Bike

    check out: http://www.uship.com this site allows you to do a reverse auction kinda thing to get multiple quotes for shipping vehicles and bikes.
  13. I think we all can agree that no responsible rider would ride drunk, or w/o gear, or w/o helmet properly attached. This squid was not and is not a responsible rider. I'm 200lbs and can drink quite a bit before I'm legally over the limit, and a hell of a lot more than that before I'm drunk to the point that I can't see or think straight. No matter how drunk I have ever been, I've NEVER considered riding my bike. I've had friends drive me home (sober ones), called a cab, walked, or just slept it off at a friends house until the morning. Riding the bike takes way too much skill and concentration to even consider getting on when sloshed.
  14. A good glaze of wd40 on the chrome and other metal parts will keep the rust bugs away. It'll be a pain in the ass to clean off when you're ready to ride, but it won't be rusted
  15. No promises, but I'll try to be at Shell at 19:00
  16. I was hit by two cars .9 miles from where I was staying, and .1 miles from the destination. Wear the helmet. You're an out of stater, so they won't give you any shit if not wearing a helmet as long as you have your MC stamp.
  17. ALWAYS turn the front wheel towards the side stand. That keeps weight on that side. I had just got back from a round trip to Washington, PA. Pulled into the garage, wife started talking to me, took off helmet, wife goes back inside, took off gloves, then lifted my right leg over the bike.. For some reason it kept going further and further to the left. Luckily my son's battery jeep was there for me to brace myself on. Lots of fun picking a bike off yourself w/one leg in the air. Damn long rides!
  18. They won't admit it because it was co-designed w/Porsche (Italy) Personally, I would rather have a slower bike that can actually corner decently and still hit 130+, and can actually stop you before you wreck!,than a bike that can't corner worth a damn or stop.. Real reason it's water cooled is because Willie G was trying to stay ahead of the EPA. At the time the Revolution engine was being developed, it was believed that the EPA was planning a ban on air cooled engines over 250cc by the year 2010. That's why Willie G turned to Porsche (again) to help w/development of the VROD. Make no mistake, I am NOT a Harley guy, I just happen to have a VROD
  19. what he said.. It's paid for, and unless you're hurting for the money, hand on to it. Besides, would you rather get back on a bike you're comfortable with after a long layoff or a brand new to you bike?
  20. Be careful anywhere in OH right now. Most cities are using the economy as an excuse not to send the street sweepers out to clean up the sand and shit. Ride safe folks
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