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Everything posted by AOW

  1. I don't take candy from strangers, but I will buy you a beer if you make it to QSL for the first bike night!
  2. Nate, I've been riding for over 20 years. Cut my motorcycle teeth on the dirt track, spent way too much time and money on flat track during my 20s... I know the benefits, respect the benefits, but when a jackass that wasn't even there starts preaching that someone went down because they were riding over their heads and didn't have enough track time, it kinda pisses me off. All the time and miles I did on the track in my hay day definitely paid off, but the groomed track doesn't do shit to teach you how to deal w/the real world road conditions of post winter salt, sand, and gravel. You can only get that experience by riding those conditions. In regards to the neg rep..........
  3. The group was split in essentially three parts... 1) fast/hitting the twisties hard 2) fast but not hitting the twisties that hard 3) slow and easy Miles of space between the groups, and plenty of space between the riders, which would explain why when someone went down they didn't take anyone with them and didn't cause any chain reactions. I will agree that the larger the group the greater chance of SOMEONE, not anyone in particular, but SOMEONE will go down. That's just numbers. if you're saying there's more of a chance of me going down because I'm riding in a group, you may want to go take a statistics class or two.
  4. In regards to Wendi, she was NOT pushing the bike. She might have been doing 30mph, MAYBE.... now dismount your soapbox.
  5. I was behind Wendi when she low sided. She did everything right, including staying off the brakes through the turn. I saw her rear get a little squirrelly so I got off the throttle, then she stood it up and headed off the side of the road. Good thing she got off the road before she laid it down, hate to think what might have happened at that blind turn! Like I told her when she asked if she was going too fast and what she did wrong, she was going too fast for the road conditions (conditions that she didn't know about until it was too late). Other than that, she did everything right! Glad she's OK, sorry she was chucking tools and shit at the rest of you folks!
  6. AOW

    03/22 Ride

    Orange VROD that rode like a bat outta hell was Dave! I was the other one. "black pearl" not grey!!! So Wendy went down after the group split up from lunch? WTF happened? Happy as hell she was able to walk away and live to ride another day!
  7. AOW

    03/22 Ride

    Thank the gods for hair ties! Never knew a scunci could be so useful! I've now restocked my bike bag w/duct tape, electrical tape, bandages, zip ties, neosporin, and wet naps!
  8. AOW

    03/22 Ride

    Had an awesome time riding with and meeting fellow members for the first time. There were hmmm hmmm, 2 failures and one dead leg. I'm not gonna post pix of the failures, I'll let those folks own up to 'em first. I will say that it wasn't a good day to be riding a yellow bike(s). Most of the roads were full of gravel and sand, but still enjoyed riding with this group. I will attach couple group bike pix though.
  9. Happy Birthday Justin!!! It would seem that you and I share a birthday!
  10. AOW

    03/22 Ride

    vrodDave, are we meeting at Mickey D's at 11:30 to head to the Pony at noon? If so, I'll just meet up w/everyone at the Pony, have some shopping to do anyways
  11. AOW

    03/22 Ride

    I'll be there!!!!
  12. If it's not snowing or snow/ice on the roads I ride. Went out for 60mile run new year's day. Temps was 17 when we headed out, but warmed up to 27 when we were on the way back
  13. audrina from the hills nudes!!!! (nws)
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