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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. A Pittsburgh man, David Hackbart, won a $50,000 settlement last year after being cited for disorderly conduct for flipping off an officer. The charge was "retaliatory" and violated his constitutional rights, a federal judge ruled.

    The officer's "response to Hackbart's exercise of his First Amendment right" was to charge him with a crime, said U.S. District Judge David Cercone.

    damn, i need to flip off cops until one charges me with disorderly conduct

  2. hawaii is bracing for a tsunami as a result of this! Kinda makes you glad you live in Ohio.

    Haha julie and I have been in hawaii for the past week and are leaving later tonight. Right now, we are at a military base high above it all. Airport still having arrivals and departures on time, the only airport that is closed is one on the Big Island that has an evac route through a runway. Pretty calm around here. Most ppl are leaving low areas more as a precaution than fear or expecting much to happen. I'm sure some beach houses and hotels will see damage but not much else.

  3. I give him an 'A' for his message, but an 'F' for the delivery.


    Wow, I too am impressed by the guys well thought out manifesto and train of thought. It is apparent he was on the same line of thought as many have been saying for a while. Politics is no longer about the people, it is a bussiness that is self perpetuating. Every level makes a loop hole that feeds back to another level of government which in turn reinforces the legitamacy of the later.

    The real irony is that his actions are backed up by the recent actions of several politicians who have chosen to leave congress due to it's ineffective nature. The political reaction to this will be interesting to see, white wash from the media or outrage.

    In the mean time I intend to copy his letter so that when it is deleted from view it will not be forgotten.

    :plus1: again

    (no one tell him it's already been "deleted from view")

  4. I have a feeling that site will be offline in the not so distant future....

    I saved the text for anyone who wants to read it after the site goes down:


    I did the same, if anyone needs it later. I have it in txt, png and pdf.

    Well, the Tea Party finally has their martyr. Let's see what they do with it.

    this could go a few different ways... will be interesting. Most people won't understand what he's talking about though and not see what he thought was worth dying for

  5. When I view this thread on my work laptop in Firefox, it takes FOREVER to load, like to the point that i can't even accomplish anything. I have to click that red X to get to stop loading and wait another 3 min for it to recognize i clicked it. anyone else have problems with this many maps in a thread?

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