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Posts posted by justin0469

  1. Right click My Computer, click properties, click Advanced tab, under performance click settings. Click Advanced tab, click change, make sure "System managed size" is chosen, click ok and reboot. While there are other ways to work it, for the average user, letting Windows determine your page file size is probably best. This also requires you to have a decent amount of drive space available (can be up to 2.5GB depending on situation)

    Right click on your task bar, click Task Manager. Click the performance tab and leave it open while you do things. watch the graphs to see if anything maxes out while working.

    Check the Event Viewer System log (Control Panel > Admin tools > Event Viewer > System) for any significant errors, though there may be none.

    KISS and start with simple things first.

    Have you looked at your processes? CTRL-ALT-DEL, then Task manager. Sort on the CPU column. Is one process hogging up all the cycles?

    You could have some hardware going bad. Have you checked your event log?

    A hardware shot in the dark.....

    Event Viewer: Right click on "My Computer" choose "Manage" and its under "System Tools"

    good point, when mine went bonkers, I found the temps were way too high.

    Oddly, when re-imaged, the temps came down and ran correctly...

    have you tried what i suggested and other ppl repeated?

  2. Norton sucks Fonzie's balls. IMO....Avast is an excellent FREE AV tool. Hook that up with Malware Bytes and Spybot and you'll have all you need to keep your shit disease free.

    +1 on AVAST and spybot. add crap cleaner (CCleaner) too

  3. Right click My Computer, click properties, click Advanced tab, under performance click settings. Click Advanced tab, click change, make sure "System managed size" is chosen, click ok and reboot. While there are other ways to work it, for the average user, letting Windows determine your page file size is probably best. This also requires you to have a decent amount of drive space available (can be up to 2.5GB depending on situation)

    Right click on your task bar, click Task Manager. Click the performance tab and leave it open while you do things. watch the graphs to see if anything maxes out while working.

    Check the Event Viewer System log (Control Panel > Admin tools > Event Viewer > System) for any significant errors, though there may be none.

    KISS and start with simple things first.

  4. http://www.geekologie.com/2010/01/well_its_about_time_usb_wall_o.php


    Power, Outlet: U-Socket, Dual Socket/ Dual USB, 110V, TruePower

    Model: ACE-7169




    Product Options


    Power, Outlet: U-Socket, Dual Socket/ Dual USB, 110V, White, TruePower


    Pre-Order Today!

    Please note that orders for this item will only be charged when this item is about to ship. Do not select PayPal as the form of payment. PayPal funds are immediately transferred.

    This item is currently waiting on final UL Approval. It is scheduled to begin shipping in the first quarter of 2010.

    Our custom TruePower U-Socket power outlet solution includes two Universal Serial Bus (USB) charge ports in addition to the two standard three prong power outlet ports.

    Perfect for charging any USB powered device including- mobile, iPod, iPhone, PDA, MP3, PSP, MP4 player & digital camera.


    Input voltage: AC 100 to 240V 50/60Hz

    USB input current: 80mA

    Output voltage: USB: DC 5.0V 600mA

    Operation temperature: -15 to 45 Degrees Celsius

    Relative humidity: < 95%

    Air pressure: 86 to 106kPa


    This item can be installed on any existing wall outlet.

    We will have an installation video available shortly so that you can see exactly what is involved and if this is something you feel comfortable doing on your own or if you will need assistance.

    Please also note that the USB ports only draw power when something is physically connected to the port. We didn't want a vampire port that continually sucks and wastes power when not in use so this was one of the features on the top of our priority list during the design phase.

    If you have any questions about this specific product please contact mlowdermilk at fastmac.com.

  5. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fortunately,_Unfortunately

    I know we have a bunch of word games going, so why not one more


    • One person begins with a sentence (e.g., One day Little Johnny walked to the local shoe shop).
    • The next person tells of something unfortunate that happens (e.g., Unfortunately, Little Johnny was hit by a refrigerator.).
    • The following person contributes a fortunate event (e.g., Fortunately, the refrigerator was made entirely of marshmallows), and the process is repeated.

    One day, Casper decided to try to upgrade OR's forum software

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