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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. Nice work with the RC... Good to see that the "Piggy" was able to keep pace with the 1098s (at only a FRACTION of the cost).
  2. SkullHead of the Evil Inlaws MC...
  3. I think that everyone has a minivan story or two... I think that we should start a new thread just for those.
  4. Random Saturday afternoon ride. It was I (your faithful narrator), and my 4 droogs: BornSinner, QueenBee, Putty, and Bananas. We were on 270, behind a car and a minivan, when Sins decides to crack the throttle and white-line betwixt said vehicles. Soon traffic opens up and everyone passes. I'm next to Queen, when the lady in the minivan rolls down her window and starts shouting something (as if we can hear ANYTHING over the music of Akrapovic and SATO at highway speeds). For some reason we're pulled over on 270, and Queen starts verbally abusing Sins for his suicidal maneuver. Suddenly, the angered minivan pilot (who's in the far right lane on 270) stops, rolls down her window, and starts giving us the business! I mean a completely INCOHERENT verbal lashing. Suddenly Putty yells out: "Lady, you need to get out of the DAMMED street!", she looks in her rear-view at the quickly approaching traffic, with the biggest "OH-SHIT" expression that I've witnessed to date, and we now see a Dodge Caravan go 0-60 with the speed of a 911 Carrerra. I got a good laugh.
  5. Yota that's effed up! The man is on the board running Show & Tell on his newly acquired photo piece, and you're up here talking about caressing his woman. She is a hottie though. You may continue E... Nice camera man... And I promise to challenge any further posts on how hott, sexy, and attractive you girl is.
  6. Happy healing Jess! Enjoy Daytona! +1 on Scissors...
  7. Leaving the office Mom is flying in tonight Must "MommyProof" house
  8. My client sucks arse These M&Ms are tasty I need a Dyson
  9. Like masturbation Sure feels good but you only F$*# yourself in end.
  10. Network Sitcoms: Scrubs Big Bang Theory How I Met Your Mother 30 Rock Premium Series: Californication True Blood Animation: The Boondocks Family Guy Voltron (re-runs) Contrary to this laundry list, I really don't take the time to sit and watch a lot of tv...
  11. Hahaha... "Me and Jennay were like peas and carrots."
  12. Oh, well in that case... CLEARLY he should have a FB page... And hookers at his beckon call.
  13. Welcome to your newfound E-Addiction!!! You Belong to OR Now!
  14. I believe that this dude was a derranged,extreme hypocrite to the Nth degree... Nothing more, nothing less. It is unfortunate that his actions will cast a much darker shadow on the individuals who share his religious beliefs. Having grown up with people of the Islamic faith, I would have to say that we cannot make a sweeping generalization of Islamic parishioners based on the actions and behaviors a sampling of Muslims. There is a myriad of good Muslims in THIS country, as well as throughout the world. There are also quite a bit of EXTREMISTS who have, and will continue to do some Ill-sh*t... By that same token, there are LOADS of Christians out there who have done, and will continue to do some Ill-sh*t. Hell, I'm reminded of a story that I heard this morning about that man from Toledo who cuffed a woman in his house and read the Bible to her for 3days... Granted he didn't decapitate her, but he did allegedly try to suffocate her... http://www.smh.com.au/world/held-captive-in-handcuffs-and-a-nappy-20090218-8alc.html
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