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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. QFT! I once had someone run me off of the road (luckily the shoulder was wide) while in my car because he was reading a book and drifted into my lane... A BOOK! WTF?!!? In what mental state do you have to be in for something inside you to say: "This drive is BORING... I'm going to finish my book."; and then for you to agree that it's a sound decision?!!? Really sukz that this driver's quest vanity and well-manicured hands claimed a life. RIP Anita...
  2. HBD Elliot... HBD!
  3. Good Work Jess! Looks like you had a blast out there. One day I'm going to take the time and hit the track... I've only been thinking about doing it since 2001:eek:.
  4. I won't be able to make it. I've got a rack of isht to do this weekend, and don't think that I can get away for that length of time. Weather permitting, I may hit some local roads.
  5. Your Mom has two teeth... 1 in her mouth, and 1 in her pocket.
  6. Your mama's so fat... She has a KrispyKreme Season Pass.
  7. Mayne... You guys always meet up for lunch at all of these cool spots near my crib, but since I work in DAYTON I always miss out:mad:
  8. As Jarvis stated, by lowering the front (i.e. pushing the forks up through the triple tree), the rake (angle derived from the relationship between the front wheel and the frame/body) is decreased. If done IN MODERATION this should aid in achieving quicker turn-in. Mine is lowered a couple of mm in the front, and I've ridden an RC with stock settings, and I could actually tell the difference (albeit minor) just putting around town. Most RC owners (to quell the disadvantage of riding an overweight piglet), will lower it a couple mm in the front, and shim the rear up a couple mm for quick turn-in. CAVEAT: Don't get carried away with decreasing rake, as you're flirting with instability, and the steering could get a lil squirly and toss out some headshake (I assume that your CBR has that Honda Electronic Steering Damper). Hope this helps.
  9. DAMMIT! I can't see the pics because of the filter. I currently have a 46 1pc. and need a 44.
  10. I ALWAYS have to be somewhere else whenever there's some CHOICE ignorance goin' down! DAMMIT! Looks like you guys had a blast. Sorry I missed it.
  11. Cool. I was born on the VA/NC border in Danville. Lots of UNC fans down there!
  12. Welcome back and heal up fast... It's time to ride! You from NC by any chance, or are you just a "Heels" fan?
  13. +1. I actually saved all of the soap and lotion that I didn't get to use (because they give you a REDICULOUS amound each day), and by the end of the year, I donated a shoebox full to the homeless shelter in my hometown.
  14. Haha... I'm LOLin' over here. Thanks Ben!
  15. I've actually hung out with BrownSuga at a few events and a couple of parties. She's really cool and a very centered/down-to-earth lady. It's kinda unfortunate that this was her first post but I hope that once the flames die and the smoke clears we'll all see her as a cool and valuable member of this site.
  16. Thanks Nick! I do the best that I can!
  17. HA. I suffer from that very same affliction, and I grew up in VA. However, I'm sure that living in Dayton for 18mos. only exacerbated my condition.
  18. :lol:I NEVER imagined that a thread (posted on THIS site) about bikini-clad women would eventually turn into a discussion about the amenities of military-issued housing. Now back to your regularly-scheduled program... Errr... Something like that.
  19. Mayne... Y'all cats are LUNCHIN'! I don't get on carnival rides for the simple fact that you can un-pack it, set it up in 3 days, and then at the end of the weekend, pack up and go to the next town... I DO NOT see myself getting on a contraption set-up in someone's yard, propelled by some bungee cords affixed to a harness and a couple of steel posts, pulled by a Quad.
  20. Thanks IP! Checking out her site now. I like her creativity.
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