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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. This should work... http://www2.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=770094014/PictureID=23794033014/a=94100372_94100372 http://www2.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=770094014/PictureID=23794033014/a=94100372_94100372 http://www2.snapfish.com/slideshow/AlbumID=770094014/PictureID=23794033014/a=94100372_94100372
  2. Up for grabs is my Fieldsheer 1pc. As stated in the title, it's a 46. I bought it used, and only wore it about 4 times. I'm selling because it's just a TAD too large for me, and I need a 44. The suit is in really good condition (however there is a smudge on the side of both knees). It has armor in the shoulders, back, elbows, thighs, and knees. Track season is upon us, and you know you need another suit! Pics on the way... I've apparently exceeded my posting limit.
  3. "If you do what you've always done... You'll get what you've always gotten". Time to change the current... Shift the paradigm...
  4. Perhaps one of the most well-constructed works of prose that I've seen on the board! Good Work!!
  5. I concur. As soon as I saw the bike, I immediately thought: Gray
  6. I sometimes suffer from that same affliction.
  7. Oh yeah... Congrats to getting back on after your "get-off":D
  8. The best advice that I can give you concerning cornering and gravel is to always scan far ahead. SOMETIMES you can see the gravel/sand/leaves far enough in advance to choose the optimal line which will allow you to avoid that. Also, if riding a new road (or a road that you haven't traveled in a while), always take it easy on the 1st pass and "scout" the conditions. That way you'll know which corners are littered with debris/potholes. Re Cagers following closely: If you're doing the speed limit, you're doing fine. If necessary, just get in the right-hand lane and enjoy your ride. If you're being tailgated, never speed up (if you're not comfortable with it), as the cager will MOST-LIKELY speed up, and you'll quickly find yourself being tailgated at a higher rate of speed. Just let them pass, and continue to enjoy the ride.
  9. Sent one up! I hope that everything goes well for you two.
  10. Just sent you a PM with some info. Didn't want to threadjack anymore than I have already.
  11. Re Pegs on SATO Banzai Mount: Tell your man to give Dan Kyle of Dan Kyle Racing a shout. He makes aluminum adapter blocks which attach to the subframe where the pegs would normally attach. You then attach the pegs to the adapters. I think that he was selling them for $210-ish. However there was a guy on the RC51 forum (speedzilla.com/forums) who was making them for $150. I got mine off of a cat in Dayton who originally bought them from Dan Kyle.

  12. Haha. That's what's up! I didn't even know that he was a member on the board. We'll definitely have to link up and go for a ride. My girl lives in Dublin, but she rides passenger (for now anyway:D). One of you guys PM me if you want to link up... I'm down for whatever.
  13. Did your boyfriend have an extra tank? I purchased an RC tank from a guy in Dublin who had SATOS on his RC. I have the same setup, and I think that we discussed peg adapters so that he could carry a passenger.
  14. Happy Born Day Nicky-B!
  15. What... Aprilia blew their R&D budget to send their engineers to the set of Torque to make sure that the sound clip was correct?
  16. Haha. Way to make a brotha feel "special" LOL
  17. Dave, you giving me the Dumb-Azz trophy on the sly?
  18. Did I forget to mention that my dumb-azz owns them both? It was winter, and blockbuster was practically giving away movies. TRIPLE POST FTW!
  19. While I'm soap-boxin' it over here. Yeah, I enjoyed the canyon scene, after I got past the fact that in the very beginning, the RC had both the hi-beam and low-beam on in one frame... Then just the low-beam in the next. Then... Wait for it...... Next frame... NO LIGHTS ON AT ALL!!! WTF?!!? Seriously, I noticed this the 1st time that I watched it, and snatched out of the DVD player, because I felt that the director had just INSULTED my intelligence. My friend had to convince me to watch it anyway. Lights or not, the canyon scene was cool tho.
  20. Hands down Torque sukked arse! Yeah there was an Aprilia in the film... However there was a "yellow checkered-flag-painted" RC-51 which sounded EXACTLY like the Honda 954 in the movie... So the Aprilia got to sound like a twin, but the RC couldn't?
  21. Y'all nasty... Currently viewing this from WPAFB, so I can attest to how fruit-cupish the network is.
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