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Everything posted by KruelHouse

  1. My bad on the redundancy. I posted up before reading your post.
  2. So the McDonald's across the street from the Tuttle Mall is where we can meet at 11:30. I will try to get there a few min early. Let's plan to roll out of there circa 11:45.
  3. That's right Gregory, however the studio fresh out of C.S.B's... (Seems as though Fred, our "Residnet Brotha" just resigned a moment ago). However we are prepared to compensate you with a brand new OhioRiders T-shirt and a Bedazzler Set!
  4. Thank you S.G. for your warm, ever-encouraging sentiment. Really though, I was initially thinking Tuttle Mall @ 11:30. It's right off of 270, there are gas stations nearby, and the parking lot is huge (not sure how many ppl will show, but it's good to be prepared). To be specific, perhaps the upper level where the Macy's/Panera is (Or is that a Ruby Tuesday's?).
  5. Well, unless you really had your heart set on some C.S.B's, I'd imagine that you're the fortunate one.
  6. I will actually be coming out of Dublin, so I'm not sure if I would be better off just taking 270-70.
  7. Would all of you Columbus Cats be interested in meeting at a specific location and riding over to DTM as a unit? EDIT: We will be at the McDonald's across the street from the Tuttle Mall which is right off of 270. Let's arrive at 11:30 and head to DTM around 11:45. I will be there a few min. early.
  8. Should I title it: "Columbus Pees: Let's trickle over to DynoDay"? It would be a call to action for all public urinators in the city to simultaneously spray DTM:D Just kidding Carrie... I'm on it!
  9. Question: Will there be a designated pt. to meet up with cats in Columbus and ride over, or should I just plan on showing up at DTM?Perhaps I should RTFM, but while trying to re-read all of the threads, I keep having work to do. :grin:
  10. :HOBirthdaycakeblowoHappy Birthday guys!!! Does that mean that there will be some regular/cup/cookie cake(s) at the DynoDay?!!?
  11. ..."Paying taxes"...:lol: Honestly though, good luck with the sale... Here's a bump...Tax-free!
  12. There's always South Harmon Institute of Technology:D
  13. On the poll, I voted that I don't care... However, my heart says: "FCUK that!" The one thing that I enjoy about this forum, is that in a society where we're all expected to fit into some sort of acceptable mold or another; we can come here and openly express ourselves. I don't know if I'm ready to lose that.
  14. Between that and "just a little taze"... My eyes started waterin':lol:
  15. Perhaps he should order a Sam Adams to "get the taste of weed and hooker spit out of his mouth"
  16. Damn Nick... 5- 40 Dogs... That's 200 oz. of beer! I can't judge though... I went through 1/2 a bottle of bourbon this evening!
  17. Ohh... MY BAD:D Thanks guys. Just wanted to make sure that a Brotha didn't get left out.
  18. Too bad it doesn't fit the RC... Bump for good product from a standup guy!
  19. Yo WhoDey... I posted this on pg. 6, yet I'm not seeing myself on the list. Would you fix that for me mayne?
  20. I'll give you the first point. However, I never said that McCain tried to ruin Joe the Plumber, nor was that implied (at least I had no intention of making that implication). I said that his campaign prolonged Joe's 15min. of fame; which is true. Fact: Joe asked a very insightful question about how Obama's proposed tax plan would affect/penalize him if he carries out his plan to purchase his plumbing business. McCain & Co. compared Joe to the "Average Joe": A hard-working American trying to progress and make a good life for himself and his family; and lauded him to the public as a potential victim of Obama's tax plan, and mentioned him countlessly throughout the campaign trail. I wasn't saying that McCain tried to ruin him. I'm saying that he helped prolong Joe's presence in the spotlight. My assertion is that it was this time in the spotlight which spawned the scrutiny from the other side (as well as the media). Almost makes me wonder: What would have happened if Joe asked his question, Obama responded, and that was it? Would he have just remained Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher?
  21. I like how while reminiscing you always make yourself out to be more of a bad-azz than you really are... I said that I caught him with a two-piece (as if I had highly developed boxing skills at the tender age of 4). I probably just kicked his shin and yelled "give-it!"
  22. Ahhh... Don't get me started on those things! My wind-up motorcycle was the cause for my 1st fistfight ever! Picture it: Pre-school... Holding it while mom zipped my coat. She told me to leave it at home. I tucked it into my bag and got in the car. Jeffrey (we came to fisticuffs quite often at Tot-Spot) saw me playing with it and tried to take it. I caught him with a two piece, only to be sent to the corner. When mom found out that I was fighting (and why), she cold whuupped my azz!
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