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Posts posted by cmoosego

  1. That would almost be funny if JT was not 1000 times the man that any of you ever dreamed of being. This guy has done more for ohio state then almost anyone ever and has a higher winning percentage than any coach in ohio state history. Most of you guys would have blown this guy when he was winning championships and beating michign, now he sticks up for his players and you guys treat him like a criminal.

    he did it by recruiting the worst people ever, cheaters, liars, drug addicts, and thieves.... WIN at ANY COST??? get a life kool aid drinker!

  2. to the 4 jack-wagons that passed me doing 140mph on 70e last night splitting lanes and going around cars on the berm, I hope you get what you deserve! It's assholes like you that give the rest of us "sensible" bikers a bad name. Oh and to top it off none of them had helmets or gear on... Group of ass-hats!!! Looked like 2 gixxers, and maybe 2 hondas, but they flew by me so fast I couldn't tell... just pissed me off..( but then again jack wads do tend to piss me off)

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