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  1. We just used our Sena's for a 6+ hour ride and they worked great. We are both really pleased with the rider to rider and the range. Love having communicators!!!!! Mary
  2. I grabbed a Sena Smh10 and only used it for a short low speed cruise and I absolutely love it so far. Waiting to see how it'll do on the highway
  3. For best performance and clear audio in your new video vlog, we'd recommend keeping the "MIC" switch set to the "OFF" position. This turns off any audio recording from your GoPro's onboard mic and will only record your bluetooth microphone audio to the file. Having the switch to "ON" will record both. When the Sena Backpack is attached, you can charge both the Sena and GoPro via the Sena's USB port. The backpack will last as long or longer than your GoPro's battery depending on your GoPro video settings. Any questions or interested in making a purchase? Feel free to post up in the thread below or give MIKE a call to place your order today!
  4. I work in Dayton. I can meet you somewhere in between no problem so you can check them out and not mess with the mail. Oh no, you want the Sena.
  5. ^ What he said + 1. I'm upgrading my helmet in the spring, and I have been considering going to the Cardo. My daughters and brother use Sena, so I'll probably stick with the Sena 30k for a while longer. I have no complaints with the 30k, I was just thinking about upgrading it at the same time as my helmet. You probably can't go wrong with either. It depends on what your buddies are using.
  6. If you've never considered riding with a Bluetooth communication system in your helmet, check out the Sena 20S available from Riders Discount. Tired of getting either forgetting your headphones on your ride, or not able to turn it down when someone in your group is talking to you at a stoplight? Or what about having your chin strap pull them out? This frustration is easily taken care of with the installation of a Bluetooth comm device. Installation takes about 20 minutes. The bulk of installation time is fiddling around to get the speakers in the right place. What's great with the Sena 20S is the ability to share music with your riding buddy. If you need to talk or have something to say, the Sena will automatically lower the volume of the music so you can hear the intercom and then automatically resume the volume when you're done talking. Order your Sena 20S from Riders Discount today or give MIKE a call if you need help placing your order.
  7. Yes, people will drop if out of range for a certain amount of time. For long range connections, CB radio is still king, but I use my sena for primarily music and in town navigating.
  8. So does this mean that those who use a Sena or other type of communication device, where the speakers are fitted into the helmet do not fall under this? You could technically say they are built in..
  9. Today was a great day of riding. Had plenty of issues getting GPS, Sena, and Phone Pairing, but we made it through the day. We stopped at the 421 store for a quick snack and drink.
  10. You may need to update the software on your Sena. I have the standard SMH10,and there was an update that significantly uncreased the maximum volume coming from the speakers. The updates are pretty easy to do.
  11. Before I got my Sena I was gonna get these so I could resume wearing earplugs and still listen to music so I stopped having to fuss with earbuds
  12. I have a Nolan N104 helmet. I have the standard boom mike. I found the Sena on Craigslist, so I just used it the way it came. It seems to work well.
  13. Looking for a bluetooth communicator for my helmet best for less than $200. I only need one and ive seen a few-uclear, sena and chatterbox but not sure which is better. Thoughts?
  14. I just broke the clip off of my Sena 10S. I could probably rig something up but this might be an excuse for an update. What does everybody like these days? I use it primarily for listening to music and google directions. I don't use it for communication during group rides very often. What's the best these days for audio quality? Sena used to be the top dog but it seems like Cardo does better in the recent reviews.
  15. I also have this setup and use earplugs. The Sena has an aux input as well if you don't want to use bluetooth. I usually plug the Sena into my Zumo via aux input as it has my tunes on it for longer trips. If I'm doing a day ride, I will either bluetooth to the Zumo or even just my cell phone and listen to music that way. Calls come through pretty decent to if you want that sort of thing.
  16. Just curious: Do all of you who ride together have the ability to communicate with each other (Sena, Shoei, or some sort of app)? Or do you mostly rely on a prearranged plan?
  17. I use those with my Sena. I like the Yellow buds better than the Orange. They seem to roll down better. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk
  18. Derek - Ordered a T shirt this AM. Thanks for doing this! I plan to attend. Will be in slow or next to slowest group. Happy to be a sweeper. Could be talked into being lead if the sweeper has a Sena. Chris
  19. Thank you nice weather, the bike is now de-winterized, the Sena has been installed in the helmet, new patio furniture is put together and set up and the garage and yard are a bit cleaner!
  20. The Scala and sena are good options of you rode with other people that are willing to get them. Makes it easier to decide when and where to stop for food gas etc. and point out road hazards.
  21. Sena Have been a hold out for many years... my previous communication was Autocom, which I had a chunk of change invested. Of course it still had wires, but the sound level, quality, and distance were second to none, it’s nice being able to communicate 10 miles apart with a 4 watt radio! Since switching over to the Sena, wish I had done it sooner. Quaility and volume are great, no wires, and the phone/navigation integration works great.
  22. Nice! Or you could just spend a few hundred and get a sena unit for your current lid. Tim and I chatted on the trip no problem even when we were hitting 80. We talked all kinds of shit about you (ok, not really). I talked to my wife on the phone via the Sena to give her updates on my ride down. The noise cancelling on the bolt on units is very good. It's really nice to have when riding in a group.
  23. You should look into seeing if anyone else was looking for a unit. The dual packs are a much better deal than buying them out as a single if you can get someone to split it with you. The Sena 20S also pairs with the Sena App so you can pre-configure all your FM presets, setup group communications, etc through the app. Also has a user manual within the app so you can use to figure shit out on the go. Only recommendation I can say is that I had to use the spacers for the ear piece to push the speakers a bit closer to my ears on the Shoei GT Air so I could hear better with ear plugs in. The Sena 20S is phenomenal unit.
  24. That is who I went to the first time. He told me to go thru Sena, as that is what they requested. And when I contacted Sena, they asked if I went thru the retailer I bought it from. Gave me a HUGE run around on the remote. And then when the headset started acting up, I contacted Mike and he got involved. I still had to go the Sena, but I know he barked pretty high up the tree with my level of dissatisfaction. Luckily I still have my SMH10 ...somewhere. Guess I'll just go back to it, although it was suggested that I tell them I want the 20s in return for the crappy 10U. And with my Neotec, that is the whole reason I went with the 10U in the first place.
  25. Not sure on any differences between the two. Other than the tuner, they seem to be the same. I have had mine for a couple years now and they pair seamlessly with each other. My buddy and I have done several long trips and tested out the distance on the highway and it is plenty far. I have paired it with my buddy's Sena unit and my cell phone. I used my phone for music and used the Sena unit to control it. When you push the giant knob, it connects to the other Sena unit and cuts out the music. When you are done talking, you push the giant knob again and it returns you to your music. You rotate the knob for volume and push in/rotate at the same time to change tracks. Very user friendly unit. It says Korea on the label. The boom mic is attached directly to the unit installed on my full face helmet and I have had no trouble with it. The boom mic for the Sena has a little triangle on it to identify which way it needs to face. If you turn it around or point it up or down, you can't hear the other person talking. This works out great to minimize/nearly eliminate the wind noise. I don't think I can say enough great things about the Sena... You can also have up to (4) units paired at the same time, if you so choose.
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