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why in the Hell....


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Would someone file a Motion to lift restrictions on their child's visitation after convincing that child to speak to the judge and NOT show up to their own damn trial? Let alone their other scheduled hearing at the same date and time for child support compliance....:mad:

Today has been the biggest waste of time, a personal day, and money!

Fathers....what's your input on this other than the fact I'm dealing with the king of all asshats?

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Sorry about your frustration. Seen some mothers that would do stupid stuff and didn't ask their gender to defend themselves. Not a big believer in group guilt.

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I think she is trying to understand what drives a man to do some of the things they do.

A man or woman that truly cares about there child would not risk losing addtional time, unless there was an emergency.

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No group guilt here, my husband stepped up years ago with my two children and has been a great father to them. He don't get it either. The majority of fathers on here seem good, so I asked for opinions. Likewise, if there was a post asking why mothers do the things they do, I wouldn't take that as an attack.

The oldest hasn't spoken to his biological father since August 2011, they did a couple of sessions with a counselor and that didn't go over well, it reversed all progress made with my son's own counseling. My daughter has somewhat supervised visits at the grandmothers house, can't leave the house unless it's school functions. There's more than a hundred reasons it was ordered this way. He filed to be able to take her places and allow her around his batshit crazy stepwife and the stepbrothers.

He could go to her games, she plays every sport, he makes 1 game if that. He could call, text, and email her. That doesn't happen until a day or two before his weekend. He could also try to reconcile his relationship with our son, that's the last thing on his mind.

The ex in general disgusts me, even worse when there's a hopeless child without that father/son bond that they once had and a dreamer who thinks her dads shit doesn't stink.

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Just know most court order restrictions ARE in the interest of the child. So you must assume the restrictions are needed. To fight those restrictions and not show just proves why they are there to begin with.

Birth control? This is an ex she speaks of so apparently as a couple planned or not it was a choice. We all have an ex we feel was a mistake or was crazy once we got to know them. Besides all children should be viewed as a blessing not an accident.

This guy if an idiot he is missing the best years of there lives and its a choice.

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Ok, guys can do some dumb stuff...I don't get it either, but women are just as bad at times. The whole child support/visitation/custody situation in general is skewed very favorably toward the mother from my personal experiences. I have been going through a tough situation with my ex so I can kinda relate. In my case, my ex is a bit off her rocker and shares a mutual hatred with my wife which makes home life "interesting" to say the least. Honestly, I can't stand my ex at all for many reasons including constantly taking me to court at every whim she gets (to the point where my lawyer said if she keeps it up she was going to go after her for reimbursement for MY court costs), calling child protective services on me for false accusations of abuse (again proven unsubstantiated in court), calling around to my work to find out if I had had to work on the days I had my daughter (and threatening to call the police if I leave her at home with her step mother), sending the police to my house on various occasions where she thought I was not home with my daughter stating that she feared for her safety, going after me for additional support once she found out that I was adopting my step daughter (her bio father bailed on her when she was 6 months old with no support paid or visitation in over 6 years) so that I couldn't claim her as an additional dependent for three years until the next "adjustment", and just generally being as ass telling me how much of a P.O.S. I am and that her "new" boyfriend is a better Dad than I will ever be...in front of the child no less. She has been involved with many heated arguments with my wife...she knows just what buttons to push to provoke her. All of this has led to a mountain of resentment on all parties involved. It's to the point where my wife pretty much wants nothing to do with my daughter and I no longer look forward to the visitations like I used to due to all of the headaches and legal battles. I can just hope that when she gets older she will see what her mother is like and understands why things are the way they are now. I still love her to death, but her mother has sucked all of the joy out of spending time with her. Sorry for the long rant...

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Ok, guys can do some dumb stuff...I don't get it either, but women are just as bad at times. The whole child support/visitation/custody situation in general is skewed very favorably toward the mother from my personal experiences. I have been going through a tough situation with my ex so I can kinda relate. In my case, my ex is a bit off her rocker and shares a mutual hatred with my wife which makes home life "interesting" to say the least. Honestly, I can't stand my ex at all for many reasons including constantly taking me to court at every whim she gets (to the point where my lawyer said if she keeps it up she was going to go after her for reimbursement for MY court costs), calling child protective services on me for false accusations of abuse (again proven unsubstantiated in court), calling around to my work to find out if I had had to work on the days I had my daughter (and threatening to call the police if I leave her at home with her step mother), sending the police to my house on various occasions where she thought I was not home with my daughter stating that she feared for her safety, going after me for additional support once she found out that I was adopting my step daughter (her bio father bailed on her when she was 6 months old with no support paid or visitation in over 6 years) so that I couldn't claim her as an additional dependent for three years until the next "adjustment", and just generally being as ass telling me how much of a P.O.S. I am and that her "new" boyfriend is a better Dad than I will ever be...in front of the child no less. She has been involved with many heated arguments with my wife...she knows just what buttons to push to provoke her. All of this has led to a mountain of resentment on all parties involved. It's to the point where my wife pretty much wants nothing to do with my daughter and I no longer look forward to the visitations like I used to due to all of the headaches and legal battles. I can just hope that when she gets older she will see what her mother is like and understands why things are the way they are now. I still love her to death, but her mother has sucked all of the joy out of spending time with her. Sorry for the long rant...

Dude, I know exactly what you are talking about!!! You're not alone, we had to go through the accusations of child abuse and many court visits as well. Sorry that you and your wife have to deal with that. It's not mentally healthy. Trust me, we have been there and right now things have been calmed with the husbands bitch face ex's bullshit. I keep waiting for the bomb to drop with her again. She went as far as trying to get a protection order twice! Went to jail herself for Falsification. It's costly and it isn't in the best interest of the kid. They don't benefit from a jealous ex! Rant on...it's good to get that shit off your chest! Sadly, my step son will never know what's up her, which is probably best for him.

Tell the wifey if she needs a hand digging I have strong arms and I'll bring my own shovel ;)

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Dude, I know exactly what you are talking about!!! You're not alone, we had to go through the accusations of child abuse and many court visits as well. Sorry that you and your wife have to deal with that. It's not mentally healthy. Trust me, we have been there and right now things have been calmed with the husbands bitch face ex's bullshit. I keep waiting for the bomb to drop with her again. She went as far as trying to get a protection order twice! Went to jail herself for Falsification. It's costly and it isn't in the best interest of the kid. They don't benefit from a jealous ex! Rant on...it's good to get that shit off your chest! Sadly, my step son will never know what's up her, which is probably best for him.

Tell the wifey if she needs a hand digging I have strong arms and I'll bring my own shovel ;)

LOL the wife might take you up on that. Yeah I had the protection order, supervised visitation, only allowed to visit at the exes house (wife LOVED that one), etc...etc...etc.. Only to be thrown out in court due to lack of proof, because there really was none. It really sucks that the resentment affects the relationship of the non custodial parent and the child and in my case with her and her step mom as well. I know it isn't right to let the actions of the mom dictate my relationship with my child...but you really can't help the way you truly feel. The other bad part about all of this is that the way the system is geared with the courts and children's services it almost seems to encourage this type of behavior. The mom can cry "wolf" all day and I get crucified until I prove there is nothing to her claims.

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