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re: kent (from school shooting thread)


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Do people in your office ever come read what it is you're laughing at? I sure hope not...

Oh heck no, I'd get referred to HR so fast lol.

I got shushed the other day for talking on my phone, I tried to hunt the person down and discuss this with them, but no one would fess up to it. I just wanted to talk about why they thought this place was a library all of a sudden.

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Never been through customs? Your property is searched when entering or leaving the country...

ummm, I went to Germany and back to USA and nobody anywhere looked at anything going in or out of a country. Aren't I special.

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You didn't go through a body scanner? Your luggage wasn't x-rayed?

Standard scans leaving Ohio. Nothing in Kennedy leaving US. Nothing in Frankfurt entering Germany. Nothing in Frankfurt leaving Germany. Nothing in Kennedy returning to US. Certainly can't see what happens with hold baggage all the time, but hand carried baggage received nothing.

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Different topics, different stakes, different variables, different scope, any reasonable person might develop different views based on that information.

i find it laughable that you claim to be scient-isty and while changing your stance on a major ethical topic based on fuzzy correlation (at best). almost as laughable as your claim to espouse libertarian ideals while supporting ineffective impotent laws that remove individual liberty.

all that dissonance going on in your head has to be difficult, or maybe that's just how you live your life... you have a cousin you would ride a dozen hours to be there for his graduation from ranger school, and then call a military hero's tragic death deserved because he killed people during the course of his service to his country. that has to be weird for you, trying to get all that incongruence to fit together.

THAT is why i asked you if it feel weird to suck on a thick veiny cock while calling the suckee a huge faggot. not because you changed your stance on the death penalty, but because i wonder what it's like to be so hypocritical and contrary to the point of... i don't even know. there are no words.

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i find it laughable that you claim to be scient-isty and while changing your stance on a major ethical topic based on fuzzy correlation (at best). almost as laughable as your claim to espouse libertarian ideals while supporting ineffective impotent laws that remove individual liberty.

All laws remove individual liberty, at least for some.

all that dissonance going on in your head has to be difficult, or maybe that's just how you live your life... you have a cousin you would ride a dozen hours to be there for his graduation from ranger school, and then call a military hero's tragic death deserved because he killed people during the course of his service to his country. that has to be weird for you, trying to get all that incongruence to fit together.

I don't ever think I said "deserved".

My cousin is a special case, I don't particularly like broadway musicals, but I'd go to one to support a family member's debut on opening night if they invited me.

THAT is why i asked you if it feel weird to suck on a thick veiny cock while calling the suckee a huge faggot. not because you changed your stance on the death penalty, but because i wonder what it's like to be so hypocritical and contrary to the point of... i don't even know. there are no words.

Different situations, different stakes, different circumstances...

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Jinu, you are one funny motherfucker.

So mags, let me get this straight, Chicago has such a high murder rate because criminals bring guns into the city from surrounding areas? But its not just illegal to buy or sell a gun there, its forbidden to own, posess, convey or otherwise come into contact with one. So this magical gun ban bubble around the city is pretty much inefffective right? So your answer is to ban all guns in the country? Sorry, all modern sporting rifles...well would this imaginary bubble of law be just as easily permeated at our international borders as it is at the city limits of Chicago? And don't give me that chest-slapper bullshit about customs blah blah blah....hundreds of METRIC TONS of drugs pass through our borders on a weekly basis, you think people won't get guns in?

This is of course completely ignoring the fact that even tho armalite style rifles are owned by millions of citizens they only account for a tiny percentage of deaths per year.

You are a fool of the first division if you actually believe your own bullshit.

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My view of guns are similar to my view on religion, i'd rather they be voluntarily abandoned than banned. I support the second amendment, I just don't personally like (or need) any guns.

But my point was that you can't just point to chicago and say "see, gun bans don't work" any more than you can point to an airplane and say "see, gravity is bullshit"

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All laws remove individual liberty, at least for some.

and? if i wanted the definition of stupid fucking laws, i would've checked my dictionary. why do you embrace stupid-fuck laws, being a self-declared libertarian?

I don't ever think I said "deserved".

My cousin is a special case, I don't particularly like broadway musicals, but I'd go to one to support a family member's debut on opening night if they invited me.

your words were "I'm fine with it. Live by the sword die by the sword." If your cousin gets decapitated by someone he was trying to help deal with their PTSD, I'm sure your eulogy would be a succinct "My cousin had a cool story bro: he killed people with swords. But enough about that. I'm fine with the way he died. Live by the sword, die by the sword lol".

what's that? that wouldn't be your eulogy speech? is it because you wouldn't want to come off as a world shatteringly disrespectful fucknut?

Different hurrrrrrrrrr durrrrrrr hurrrrrrr...

yeah, i thought so.

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Ok mags, put your fucking safety where your mouth is and plant a sign in your front yard declaring your house is proudly gun-free...a big one, that you can read from the road. If you aren't willing to do that then you need to shut your dick-licker right now about guns.

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If your cousin gets decapitated by someone he was trying to help deal with their PTSD, I'm sure your eulogy would be a succinct "My cousin had a cool story bro: he killed people with swords. But enough about that. I'm fine with the way he died. Live by the sword, die by the sword lol".

Actually, it would be along the lines of dying doing something he loved and believed in.

It's not the way I've chosen to live my life.

If I wrap my bike around a telephone pole this spring, i'd expect him to be fine with it, I understood the risks, and chose to live my life in that fashion. Same goes for my parents if they get emphysema or lung cancer, these are risks they took on willingly.

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and? if i wanted the definition of stupid fucking laws, i would've checked my dictionary. why do you embrace stupid-fuck laws, being a self-declared libertarian?

your words were "I'm fine with it. Live by the sword die by the sword." If your cousin gets decapitated by someone he was trying to help deal with their PTSD, I'm sure your eulogy would be a succinct "My cousin had a cool story bro: he killed people with swords. But enough about that. I'm fine with the way he died. Live by the sword, die by the sword lol".

what's that? that wouldn't be your eulogy speech? is it because you wouldn't want to come off as a world shatteringly disrespectful fucknut?

yeah, i thought so.

He IS NOT a Libertarian "not even remotely close", nor is he a Liberal. I believe him to primarily be an Antagonist, and unfortunately there are many out there like him.

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Actually, it would be along the lines of dying doing something he loved and believed in.

It's not the way I've chosen to live my life.

If I wrap my bike around a telephone pole this spring, i'd expect him to be fine with it, I understood the risks, and chose to live my life in that fashion. Same goes for my parents if they get emphysema or lung cancer, these are risks they took on willingly.

right. there is "fine with it" and then there is "exclaim to a group of people, mourning his death just how fine with it you are because they died helping a fellow soldier to recover from PTSD, not in the warzone and i can't believe i have to explain the difference to you, you fucking simpleton". and did you really equate smoking and dying of lung cancer to being murdered while helping with the therapy of a shell shocked soldier after serving multiple tours in the battlefield? nobody can be that stupid.

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right. there is "fine with it" and then there is "exclaim to a group of people, mourning his death just how fine with it you are because they died helping a fellow soldier to recover from PTSD, not in the warzone and i can't believe i have to explain the difference to you, you fucking simpleton". and did you really equate smoking and dying of lung cancer to being murdered while helping with the therapy of a shell shocked soldier after serving multiple tours in the battlefield? nobody can be that stupid.

Both are hazardous behaviors. Was he a psychologist? How about a psychiatrist? So he handed a diagnosed ptsd patient a loaded gun based on what?

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