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re: kent (from school shooting thread)


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Oversensitive much?

This whole discussion has taken place on a motorcycle forum. Not a memorial for war veterans, not an obituary, not a funeral home. Get over it. If he was a friend of yours, or your brother, or your uncle, or your aunt's step son twice removed, I could see the error. But he wasn't, he was just a public figure, he was a big boy, took his own risks, lived his own life.

please continue with the "righteous indignation"

There is plenty I stand for. Reason, logic, family, friends. There is way too much shit going on in the world for me to get all emo about all of it. Does that make me heartless? Maybe...

I dunno about you, but I'm just doing this for the rep, and the by product is I get to make you look stupid... It's a favored pastime of mine.

I think it's great you have a high opinion of your reason, logic... I wish you would bring some to the table. that would be refreshing. Then you might do a marginally better job with fire arms debates than piers morgan, your hero. And maybe every once in a while, form an opinion for yourself rather than just copy paste what ron paul said once on YouTube or in an article so you can pretend to be a libertarian.

above all else, its really great that your argument has devolved to "you're just being sensitive". Look children, look at all the reason and logic!11!1!1!!1!1!

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above all else, its really great that your argument has devolved to "you're just being sensitive". Look children, look at all the reason and logic!11!1!1!!1!1!

Well, isn't that what you JUST said...

It's okay for you to "think" a certain way, but if you post it somewhere where people who might disagree can see it, then you're just being mean, and haven't considered peoples feelings.

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Mags, we're never going to see it your way. When you come back repeatedly to spout the opinion you have, it only makes you look like an idiot. Please go back to talking about motorcycles because NOBODY here cares about what you have to say about anything else. Have a great day.

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Edit: nobody cares what you have to say about motorcycles either.

Go back under the bridge from whence you came. You have outstayed your welcome.

Maybe the DTC forum is still alive and you can go lay all your genius opinions on Russ and Jrrrrrmmmmmiiiiii.

The long and short is that your special brand of retard has worn everyone here down to the point that no one wants to read your idiotic ramblings. Not even for entertainment value. Go away.

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...but if you post it somewhere where people who might disagree can see it, then you're just being mean, and haven't considered peoples feelings.

No. No one thinks you're mean. They think you're ignorant. Huge difference.

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Well, isn't that what you JUST said...

It's okay for you to "think" a certain way, but if you post it somewhere where people who might disagree can see it, then you're just being mean, and haven't considered peoples feelings.

It's cute you're trying to make this into some sad version of a free speech issue. It's not. Just like you know the difference between a funeral and an open forum, your brain should be able to tell the difference between "can" and "should" and "decency" and "Westboro Baptist".

Again, if you really believe you have the right of this, discuss it in depth with your cousin. Tell him your thoughts on why it was fine Chris Kyle died the way he did. You know you're wrong. I know you're wrong. That's why this is fun for me, and why you feel sad and shitty on the inside.

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