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NEWARK - Join us? (Epic Ride)


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The Epic Ride is complete.

It was a good day.

NinjaDoc made new friends

from Michigan and they

came to Ohio to share the

enjoyment we find when

riding the twisties.

Doc is leaving us in June,

for his new home but will

always remain here, as a

friend, in our hearts.

Thanks for a good day, and

good memories.




Edited by JackFlash
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  JackFlash said:
A group of riders from Northeast Ohio are forming up.

A suggested route has been posted in map form that

shows they may leave Zanesville on US Rt 22 West

and then intersect with OH Rt 664 South in Rushville.

The Northwest corner of that intersection has the Rushville

Marathon Gas Station. This would be a good place to link up

with them since Rt 664 seems to be the most reasonable

route for us to take.

I posted a message on their thread to this effect. We'll know

more as time goes on.


not a bad idea, the address is 3011 Market St, Rushville, OH for those of you lucky enough to have a gps

also for the newark meet i think the speedway by main and 1st in newark is a good spot (117 E Main St, Newark, OH ) its close to rt 13 also

Edited by Jynx
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I was curious as to whether or not I could find future times for

sunsets in our area. I looked up 4 May 2013. That's the day

for the Epic ride, of course.

The sun is projected to set at 8:29 PM on that day. That gives

about 20 or 30 minutes until darkness.

The reason I mention this is, there was a suggestion of having

dinner at a restaurant in the Logan area after Saturday's ride.

I could be interested in staying down there for dinner providing

the following:

  1. I can get back to Newark by dark.
  2. Another rider among us also decides to stay for dinner.
  3. No one in our group has to ride back north alone.

I don't expect it to be dark before 9:00 PM unless there

are a lot of clouds in the sky. If the ride ends early

enough, there should be plenty of time to have a meal

and get home before dark if anyone else is interested.

Think about it. It might be a good chance to get better

acquainted with some of the other OhioRider members.

The helpful tool to help you decide how far you might

ride and still get home before dark on any given day is

here: http://www.calendar-365.com/calendar/2013/May.html


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I'm probably in. I agree with Todd on the speed. And the "no passing" rules on the main thread need some clarification. Do they mean other riders, or any vehicle?

But I could see myself joining this ride.

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Copied from the main thread...

Quote: Originally Posted by jschaf viewpost.gif

Anybody got any plans for Sunday?

My response:

My Sunday plans are to ride down again, from Newark, bringing with me anyone that

didn't get to ride Saturday, and anyone that wants to ride down again on Sunday.

This depends on a ride plan already being in place for Sunday, with time and location engraved in stone.

I'll post details when I figure them out.

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  JackFlash said:
Hey Jamie, it's about time you got on board here. How's your bike running?

Did you get it all back in good running order?

We can pick you up at the Shell Gas Station at Rt 13 and I-70, to save you

making a trip all the way up to NEWARK. Hutch wants to stop in that area

anyway. What say

Don't have to stop it was just a suggestion on a newark meet spot.

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