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Weight loss/Workout Thread 2013


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So basically getting a late start on a New Years resolution. My lungs hate me when I work out in cold weather so I started this week when the weather turned. I just weighed myself and Im at 213. Id like to get back to 185. Ive started a P90x ripoff monday and just finished disk 3 today. Ill also be running on my rest days. Ill most likely be running steps, hills, or some kind of intervals. I hate distance running especially alone. my girlfriend is going to start when she finishes school next month. and will be biking while I run.

If anyone else wants to get in on some of this we can post some pics, set our goals, and do weekly updates on weight/losses.


185 by JUNE 1.

Im also cutting out Pop completely. and of course watching what I eat.

PS: This winter was a long one and we all have extra Winter weight we can lose!!

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I'm game. I'm 216 right now. I'd like to be under 200lbs. Cycling mostly. Now that the weather is getting nicer I need to get back out there soon. Doing the 100 mile Pelotonia ride this year. Don't drink a whole lot of soda to begin with. Mostly bad eating habits. And smoking. That one bit me again. Was doing real good last summer minus when I drank. Now I'm at 5-10 smokes a day. Barely smoking compared to my one pack or more per day I was smoking, but I really need to nix it in the butt completely.

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I'm game.

Been at 200 for a while now, and know it's 15 lbs of fat that need to go.

Tried running, and found out arthritic knees don't like that....going to hit the weights and increase metabolism, plus include a minimum of:

1 salad per day, trying for 2

20-30 grams of fiber per day

We'll see how it goes!

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I'm game.

Been at 200 for a while now, and know it's 15 lbs of fat that need to go.

Tried running, and found out arthritic knees don't like that....going to hit the weights and increase metabolism, plus include a minimum of:

1 salad per day, trying for 2

20-30 grams of fiber per day

We'll see how it goes!

This is a good goal and I also had problems with running. Have you tried eating almonds. Eating raw almonds has been proven for helping weight loss. A handful a day will do it.

I have been slacking as well and plan on losing weight. Goal for 15lbs by June 1st. I have been working out for 5 years now and I took a break this winter lol. I would say 70% of losing weight is the right diet and 30% is your workout routine. I plan on doing 4 days a week with running 5 days a week. I have seen good results with seperating your weightlifting from your running. The best results I saw was last year when I would run or do stairs for 30 minutes on an empty stomach in the morning. I would also workout at night. I went from 17% body fat down to 8% in 30 days on a magazine diet. It was also the magazine workout plan I used. Hope this helps and good luck.

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All of your current weights are my virtual goal. Been 260-290 for some years now and smoking is another vice I need to quit. I've been watching my consumption and keeping around 1800cal/day for a while, and aside from some binge and purge now and then ( without the purge :D ) I've been doing well this year.

I have no metabolism. If I remember right, it was traded off for some delicious cake and larger pants :dunno:

Cardio is all I'm after, I'm looking to cut and redefine what I have.

Wife and I were biking the city path last year and avg was about 10 miles a day, but only a few days a week so I'm looking to get that going again since the weather is starting to play nice.

If my low sugar issues could handle less than 1400cal/day, I'd be able to cut much quicker - time is another barrier against my cardio plans between work, 2 bands, and now trying to squeeze in shooting/riding/our home remodeling plans.....it's gonna be a tight schedule.

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^ if I leave the kitchen we can both lose a little!

I need to drop a bunch, I was on track fell off after a death in the family. Now I am getting back on track, goal date is also 6/1.

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I was gonna start a weight gain thread but I'm way too lazy. I'd like to be 185. According to the shitty scale I just found I'm around 155 in full winter clothes. I've never really been able to push past the 180 mark.

You can do it. Its all motivation. I use to be 125lbs and when I started lifting I got up to 165lbs and for my height people thought I was a ufc fighter lol.

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So I guess I'm going the other way of most of you and gaining. I have always been a skinny guy and my buddy Nick is exactly the same height, weight, size and body type so we have challenged each other to work out 5 days a week and see who can gain the most muscle, first to bitch out has to open their bar tab to the other for a night. I started at 136 mid February and I am now 147. Would like to be 160 I think, not sure how big that would make me. Starting to see physical results though so it has motivated me even more to keep with it. Hoping to get the body to go with the bike and this is a good summer :D

Edited by JStump
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I have feeling I won't be able to get to 185. I tend to bulk up. Last time I was working out and lifting hard I was at 210. With very little fat. O well. Ill be happy with that too.

Less weight, more reps. Or stick to running/biking and dont pack in protein. At least that's what worked for me years ago. I'd hit 325 in '98, bought the mtn bike and punished myself for 10 months and a high fiber diet. Was at 205 by winter. Took me 10 years to gain 80lbs back. I can lose 20 fast, but hit several plateaus when I lost the 120. I have trouble sticking with it, definitely a lifestyle more than a choice now and then

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I flirt with 200, have stayed the same weight pretty much for last 5 years. I hate to exercise, hate to sweat, hate to be sore, and hate cutting out eating what I love. I drink little pop unless it has bourbon or rum in it, but I just love my beer too much "and peanut butter Capn Crunch". I enjoy walking 9 holes of golf, and that has always helped me drop the weight. My shoulder is getting much better from surgery, so I am hoping to get back to doing that. Would love to hit 185, but realize that pretty much is unlikely. :rolleyes:

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At my highest. I weighed 310. At 5'9-5'10. That's just god awful. I looked like i had swallowed 2 people plus what they ate. I started in 2011 trying to lose weight. My job kept me walking 5-10 miles a night and i started lifting weights at home (select tech bowflex dumbbells and a bench) 3 days a week. I got down to my lowest since i can remember of 213 lbs. The winter was not kind to me and quickly jumped back up to 236 lbs. I weighed myself today. I sit at 222. I'm back on it and i plan to be 200 lbs by June 1st. myself.

Pics from where i started and where i hit my lowest at 213.

Obviously i'm the enormous guy in the gray shirt.




And me at my lowest. Which i'm currently 9 lbs away from again.


Can't wait to get started again and finally hit that 200 mark!

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Less weight, more reps. Or stick to running/biking and dont pack in protein.

Less weight/more reps and less protein isnt the answer. Less calories is. Youll need to keep your lifting similar since your seeing muscle gains and keep a higher protein intake to try and maintain your gains. If your losing weight youll likely lose some muscle as well.

Its time for me to get serious now as well. Winter was uh not good to me this year lol.

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At my highest. I weighed 310. At 5'9-5'10. That's just god awful. I looked like i had swallowed 2 people plus what they ate. I started in 2011 trying to lose weight. My job kept me walking 5-10 miles a night and i started lifting weights at home (select tech bowflex dumbbells and a bench) 3 days a week. I got down to my lowest since i can remember of 213 lbs. The winter was not kind to me and quickly jumped back up to 236 lbs. I weighed myself today. I sit at 222. I'm back on it and i plan to be 200 lbs by June 1st. myself.

Pics from where i started and where i hit my lowest at 213.

Obviously i'm the enormous guy in the gray shirt.




And me at my lowest. Which i'm currently 9 lbs away from again.


Can't wait to get started again and finally hit that 200 mark!

Thats a big change NightRider. Congrats on that. im sure thats more life changing than I can imagine.

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Thats a big change NightRider. Congrats on that. im sure thats more life changing than I can imagine.

No doubt NightRider, major alteration.....looks like 2 totally different people! I've been in that boat and I definitely felt worlds better after the loss.....was like I was on springs. When I was 325, it hurt to get out of bed everyday and was a chore doing simple tasks like shoe tieing :nono:

I need to find that guy inside again

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Less weight/more reps and less protein isnt the answer. Less calories is.

I was simply sharing what worked for me, I'm no health expert or physical trainer by any means.....and a high fiber diet was obviously also low calorie ( green vegs n fruits ) with limited meat/proteins. I'd take in very little carbs/sugars, was biking a hard ( offroad ) 1-2 hrs, 5 days a week, and at least a few days each week also included heavy calisthenics. I had no gym at home, no memberships to any fitness centers, not even any free weights....basically me, the bike, and a set of ProTapers mounted to a ceiling truss in the garage for chinups :D. Every Sunday I'd take a day of rest, basically a beer day with moderate treats here and there.

Duing week 1 it was all stretches and purge my system with fluids galore. V8, fruit juices, water, tea, etc. along with all the green vegs I could stomach. First month I lost almost 40 pounds, but I guesstimate half of that as water weight. I'm looking forward to cutting down again!

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No doubt NightRider, major alteration.....looks like 2 totally different people! I've been in that boat and I definitely felt worlds better after the loss.....was like I was on springs. When I was 325, it hurt to get out of bed everyday and was a chore doing simple tasks like shoe tieing :nono:

I need to find that guy inside again

Thanks man! The biggest thing for me, was finding something to motivate me. Something to light a fire under my ass. Not going to lie, mine were all for vain reasons lol. I hated the way i looked. If you can find and keep the motivation to do it day in and day out, and make it a lifestyle. To me in my opinion. That's key. Or if people want to argue with me or have a difference in opinion, it's at least a big part of it.

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I weighed 200 in college. Dropped sodas completely and began running a couple miles a day. Lies a day and dropped down to 160 in about a yr.

I rarely ever have a soda now...best decision ever.

I hate to admit it but it is, that stuff will kill you in the long haul. I'm sure you feel 100% better too. I used to drink Mt Dew all the time, I quit that almost a year ago. I'll have a Pepsi or Coke when out for lunch but will not buy any for the house or car ride. Mt Dew tastes nasty to this day, I'll take a sip from the kids and I end up spitting it out. Between what I do at my job, no pop, and low calories I've lost 60# in about 10-11 months

I stopped soda a long time ago. My issue is it takes a lot to get my heart rate up and stay up.

You need some Spark ;)

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