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Weight loss/Workout Thread 2013


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This morning the pre-workout version of me wanted to stay in bed. Laid in bed for 10 minutes then finally got my arse out of bed, dressed and over to the gym. My mp3 player was dead so used my phone and used the FitRadio app. Man I need to watch what I listen to when on the elliptical. picked some good old heavy metal and 50 minutes flew by really quick. hit a best of just over 7.5 miles. I may regret this later today!

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so i know I posted that I was going to do a 5 day juice diet but I ended up haveing a cookout a couple weeks ago and then traveling to my GF parents house then to Louisville last weekend. and 50 hour weeks in between. figured that I needed some food for those alone. Im not sure when I will be able to do it. I also havent been working out but maybe 2 times a week so my weight loss has slowed. I can say that I am at 197 now. so im just a couple pounds shy of 20 since 5 weeks ago. I dont feel like I see 20 pounds of difference but I feel better. and my GF said she can tell.

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I lost 9 pounds since last Monday! Went from 198 to 189 :) the only thing I have done differently was starting to eat more healthy. I cut out beer and fatty foods and that's it. I was shocked when I got on the scale this morning. Hopefully I can get down and maintain my goal of 160lb(unless I decide to go for muscle then my goal will be 185lb with muscle, not 185lb of fat.) 29lb to go!

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my trainer is absolutely sadistic! Leg day yesterday and I can barely walk up the stairs today! But despite he best efforts I still did cardio today. I have my next 5K this Saturday and looking to break the 30 minute mark.

I actually have a lot more pain walking DOWN stairs than up them after a hard leg day.

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Wow, how in the hell did I miss this thread?? Lol

As most know on here, I'm HUGE into fitness and helping people lose weight, gain energy, , health/wellness, sports performance, etc... I've lost over 25lbs.. Went from just over 20% body fat to now 9% and going down! I'm training now for something I never thought I would do.. That's compete in Men's Physique competition in 5 months!

My wife has lost over 50lbs and she is going to compete as well!

If anyone wants any info on what we've done to drop the weight (no crazy/fad diet) message me and I'll fill ya in on the details.

I've got a TON of progress/transformation pics I could share! :)

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^ I was thinking the same thing, how'd I miss this? 


I've been hitting it harder this year than ever before. I'm down 18 lbs since March with about 2 1/2 inches off my waist, and hoping to take off 5-7 more lbs before I just maintain for the rest of the summer.


I also got into a Year in Pictures project on a dare from my sister, who's also doing one. I've been combining some halfway decent pictures, when I can take them, with a little write up every day. Some of it's good reading, if you're into this sort of thing.


Here's today's post:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update time.  Got weighed last Thursday after my session with my trainer and down 14 more lbs to 207 in just over two months.  My initial goal is just a mere 7 lbs away right now.  My trainer was thrilled to see the progress in just two months and even told me to enjoy a celebratory dinner but I behaved instead.  She gave me a recommendation for the cardio I've been doing in order to get it to be more effective (interval training on either the elliptical or the treadmill) and I tried it out Friday morning and felt great.  Now it's time to clean up the diet even more then I have in the past year. 

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  • 1 month later...

As of last Thursday my first goal has been met, 200 lbs. which is over 90 lbs. lighter than when I started!  Next goal is 180 which will put me 30 lbs. away from my high school weight.  To say that I'm excited would be putting it mildly.  One of the other clients where I train started a contest for the month of July and August, their own version of biggest loser.  $10 to enter and 15 people entered.  Winner is determined by body weight percentage lost.  So wish me luck!

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Started out the year @240 5'11" big frame.


I always convinced myself that it was ok that I was overweight because I was so strong, and yeah I am really strong, just naturally I can lift a lot, move a lot etc.


Anyway I went on a fruititarian diet through march, april and most of may. I felt great but didn't lose a whole lot of weight.


So I just basically stopped eating any junk, and if I eat junk, I make it up in vegitables.


But enough rambling, I'm down to around 210 right now and I know if I started lifting again my waist line would slowly start to shrink again, but I did for the first time since I've owned this belt in 10+ year have to tighten it up the other day.


I really want to be 190 when my baby girl comes in November and eventually 175-180.

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I started about 6 weeks ago when I couldn't fit in my suit.  started eating less fatty foods and taking in less calories.  I eat about 1700 cal a day and either walk 3 miles or ride my bike for 8-10.  started out at 240 I'm currently at 214.

suit is now big on me.

had to buy smaller shirts too.  will keep going till I'm around175.  the weather has fucked my work outs but my diet is easy to stay on.  just going to take a lot longer.

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I did really good march april and may. and was down to almost 190 (191-193) then work took off and my workouts stopped almost completely except for a run a week. normally on friday evenings. Ive been eating like shit again since the GF got a job at 3 different bars for her summer job,so Im back to 196.  Ive been without pop since mid march so almost 4 months. I thought working in the heat would help drop weight too but so far has been unsuccessful.

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I've said it so many times that I would finally stop being an asshole and lose weight. Well I'm saying it again and this time I really, really want to stick with it so that I'm not a fatty in wedding pictures next year. I love food too damn much so I need to just stop being lazy and actually get real workouts in

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I started two weeks ago. Down 10 pounds so far. I need to do better on my diet though. Mostly riding my bike about 11miles a day. With some hiking in the park mixed in. Been hiking the royalview bike trail its about six miles.

that's about what I do.  8-10 miles a day on my bike or 3 miles walk.  endomondo on my phone shows calories burned.  walking burns way more in less time than biking.   sat mornings me and the dog hit the park wooded hiking trails.  one takes about 45 min to walk and it burns damn close to 1000 cal in less than 2 miles.  it's just been too stormy and hot to do it.  so I do the other 2 with less elevation changes they're about 2.4 miles combined and it says I burn about 600 cal on those.  way better than walking flat ground for sure.


it took a good 3 weeks before the scale started to move. but once it did it was like I lost 20lbs in a few days.  maybe my fat ass broke the scale lol. 

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that's about what I do.  8-10 miles a day on my bike or 3 miles walk.  endomondo on my phone shows calories burned.  walking burns way more in less time than biking.   sat mornings me and the dog hit the park wooded hiking trails.  one takes about 45 min to walk and it burns damn close to 1000 cal in less than 2 miles.  it's just been too stormy and hot to do it.  so I do the other 2 with less elevation changes they're about 2.4 miles combined and it says I burn about 600 cal on those.  way better than walking flat ground for sure.


it took a good 3 weeks before the scale started to move. but once it did it was like I lost 20lbs in a few days.  maybe my fat ass broke the scale lol. 


I'll have to give this a shot then and see what it does for me cause I hate running so damn much. I'm so out of a shape I don't think I could make more than 1/4 mile of running. Gonna grab that app now too!

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well since I can't edit a post past like 2 min ago. 


my diet is easy for me to stick too.  I stay away from fatty foods, carbs and anything with lots of sugar(this means most fruits too).  that means no more beloved pasta.  at least for a little while.  I read that eating whole grain pasta is better because it takes a lot longer to break down in your gut.  unlike the regular stuff which instantly turns into fat and increases your blood sugar levels. 

so I eat whole grain pasta and sauce once a week. 


I mainly eat chicken, green beans, tuna, corn, salads with fat free thousand island (kraft is good) beans, chicken fajitas with 98% fat free tortillas.  eggs, lentil soup, minestrone soup, tomato soup, granola bars, veg soup, wild rice and chicken soup, a few others I forget right now.  

some olives, 2% cheese.  skim milk. lots of water, grapefruit juice (no sugar added). 

there's things I'm leaving out but that's the main stuff for the most part.  I'm not someone that needs fine dining so this food is fine with me.


people sit and eat pizza and burgers in front of me and my cravings for it is pretty much gone.  I don't even feel like I want some.

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well since I can't edit a post past like 2 min ago. 


my diet is easy for me to stick too.  I stay away from fatty foods, carbs and anything with lots of sugar(this means most fruits too).  that means no more beloved pasta.  at least for a little while.  I read that eating whole grain pasta is better because it takes a lot longer to break down in your gut.  unlike the regular stuff which instantly turns into fat and increases your blood sugar levels. 

so I eat whole grain pasta and sauce once a week. 


I mainly eat chicken, green beans, tuna, corn, salads with fat free thousand island (kraft is good) beans, chicken fajitas with 98% fat free tortillas.  eggs, lentil soup, minestrone soup, tomato soup, granola bars, veg soup, wild rice and chicken soup, a few others I forget right now.  

some olives, 2% cheese.  skim milk. lots of water, grapefruit juice (no sugar added). 

there's things I'm leaving out but that's the main stuff for the most part.  I'm not someone that needs fine dining so this food is fine with me.


people sit and eat pizza and burgers in front of me and my cravings for it is pretty much gone.  I don't even feel like I want some.

You can eat as much fruit as you like with no adverse affects. Don't fall into the fructose is bad, bandwagon.

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