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Suppressor Hunting in Ohio Bill


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Representative Cheryl Grossman (R Ohio) is putting this bill in now. She has been hard at work putting together a bill to change the hunting law in Ohio to allow suppressors. In her research she came across what Georgia had done. The following is an excert from the bill that was passed in Georgia. She is planning to use it as a template for Oho's bill.

Any firearm otherwise

55 authorized for use in the hunting or taking of game may be equipped with a suppressor,

56 provided that the user is authorized to possess such suppressor and he or she has

57 registered the suppressor in accordance with the dictates of the National Firearms Act,

58 68A Stat. 725 (26 U.S.C. Sections 5841-5862). For the purposes of this paragraph, the

59 term 'suppressor' means any device for quieting or diminishing the report of any portable

60 weapon such as a rifle, carbine, pistol, revolver, machine gun, shotgun, fowling piece, or

61 other device from which a shot, bullet, or projectile may be discharged by an explosive.

62 (b) The hunting privileges of any person who has been convicted of violating the

63 provisions of this title or any rule or regulation promulgated pursuant thereto by hunting

13 LC 28 6490

S. B. 93

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64 without landowner permission, hunting in an area that is closed for hunting, or by hunting

65 big game out of season or at night with a firearm equipped with a suppressor shall be

66 suspended for three years."

Write your Reps and tell them to support it!


A few other states have passed these recently.

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Awesome,, about time.. we need to get the ASA behind this as they have been huge in getting these passed. The best part about this one is that it doesnt appear to restrict suppressor hunting to non "game" animals which is an added bonus. Most likely because you already cannot hunt game animals in ohio with a rifle.

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Here is Bill Hayes response to me:

Dear Mr. Parks,

Thank you for contacting my office regarding hunting laws in Ohio. I enjoy hearing from my constituents about the things that matter to them the most.

Potential legislation regarding allowing firearm sound suppressors while hunting has not yet been introduced to the House of Representatives at this time. However, I look forward to learning more about the issue and if legislation comes before me in the future I will be certain to keep your views in mind.

Thank you again for contacting my office concerning this issue and please feel free to contact my office in the future regarding this or any other state matter.


Bill Hayes

State Representative

72nd District

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I sent him back an offer :)

Thank you for your response Mr Hayes.

If you are ever in Coshocton and are willing I would be more then happy to let you use a firearms with a legally registered suppressors to understand their usefulness at our private gun club. Just an offer.

Thank you for your time,

Adam Parks.

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