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Boston Marathon bombing


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Doesn't look like they're from the Arab nations. Just some young white punks that watch too many movies like Rampage.

Nah they look very possibly of middle eastern descent, but the pics are so bad it is hard to tell either way. I am betting the experts could clean those pics up even more, and I am pretty damn impressed they have found the potential perps so quickly. Technology isn't always a bad thing, and no doubt the nation as a whole are looking for these fella's. I am giving it 48 hours before they nab them. Shots fired at MIT as I am typing this, building 32 is surrounded by police...........The building is home to the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), the Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems. Hmmmmmmmmm.......I wonder?

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Two middle eastern males just car jacked a black mercedes suv in Boston, both with guns. Tin foil hats on. It's on the 5-0 police scanner app. From 816 memorial drive in Cambridge headed towards Harvard square.

Shots have been fired from the vehicle at officers. They believe its linked to the MIT deal.

Dispatch is having to tell units to stay in their districts. They all want to get to Watertown to get in the fight.

They have explosives and some types of grenades...they're in between houses. more shots fired.

Loud explosion!, more shots fired. It's friggin nuts.

They stole an SUV from state police. or someone did.

Cops are calling for long guns. Explosives at the scene. Officer down. The second one. Definatly hand grenades and automatic gun fire, per the cop.

Setting up a perimeter.

all units retreat. cops in an ambulance, suspect wounded at gunpoint, still after another on foot.

Asking for all plain clothes officers to return to the roads and do not go thru back yards. maintain perimeter.

Pretty mechanized...but there's confusion. Block perimeters expanding after two bolcks to 4 away.

They just asked all units to power down all cell phones. Bomb squad asking where the hell the devices are.

Sending the robot towards the suspect that's wounded at gunpoint. i think.

Brookline and FBI on scene.

The other suspects in custody but there not sure it's him.

Waiting on Id of suspect, they're not sure, and they have the SUV which has been cleared.

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Activ shooter now....again....can you tell if it's the same situation?

Apparently they thought they were fired at teh emergency room but was false. confusion again.

2nd suspect is not in custody.

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Pretty sure they are still looking. request came across again for the Description for a middle eastern suspect.

Now a male put a suspicious device in a trench but I don't believe it's related.

Ya they are still looking. Expanding perimeters, going house by house. They;re asking the helicopter to spot light the abanded vehicle so all the officers can get oriented to where the suspect was last seen.

Helicopter along with the channel 4 helicopter don't think they can be up there long, it's very soupy?

They're locking the area down.

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Asking for fresh dogs.

Swats clearing the house. residents were behind cover.

14 hazel is clear.

15 shots fired someplace else. on mt.auburn street

Found another house with an open door in the back and a secondary open door entering the house.

Suspect seen running. Cypress and dexter. Watertown in foot pursuit. Requesting only swat assets.

continuing search....white male, grey hoodie, black curly hair, suspect is the one in the white hat identified in the photo's

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Apparently both suspects are foreign but they don't say from where, but they're saying they have military experience. And when they were capturing the first suspect last night they said he had a bomb strapped to his chest (just speculation as far as I know). They also have the whole city on lockdown..crazy shit.

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USA Today is now reporting that the suspects appear to be Chechnyan:

"An intensive search was underway for the surviving suspect, which the Associated Press identified as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass. Sources told AP that both suspects were from a Russian region near Chechnya and have lived in the U.S. at least one year."


Bostonians have had one helluva week. Hopefully the 2nd one is apprehended with less damage and maybe they can keep him alive long enough to gather some information. Then he can suffer a long, painful death. But I doubt he has the courage to face anything like that.

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Man, that's some crazy ass shit.

Looks they're going with the Chechen muslim connection and according to Fox, a third suspect has been arrested (? just heard via a Fox report from Boston). No doubt more details will be forthcoming and hopefully, they catch the scumbag along with anyone else who might be a part of their cell.

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