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Another evil person shoots a little girl.


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Once again please tell me when a gun has killed someone without a person causing it to. When you can I'll go along with your bull shit of guns being evil. Until then you need to wrap your mind around the fact that people are the problems when it comes to guns.

People with guns...

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Risk your own health and safety all you wish, when your actions put me at risk is when I have an issue. I'd rather not be hit by a stray bullet cause you don't have the courage to face the world as you are. Now some situation makes you jumpy, you pull out your courage replacement device and everyone on the business end of it is in serious physical danger.

Magley.....is this you? And do you realize how much you just contradicted yourself in so many things that you have said in the past?


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What have you ever fucking done that makes you so courageous?

I wouldn't say I'm particularly courageous, just not so piss scared of the world that I have to constantly carry a deadly weapon on my person at all times.

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I wouldn't say I'm particularly courageous, just not so piss scared of the world that I have to constantly carry a deadly weapon on my person at all times.

That's because you obviously do nothing to confront the bad people with guns.

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Or people with hammers ball bats drunk behind the wheel or a lot of other things.

People with hammers usually intend to construct a building, people with ball bats are generally intent on winning a baseball game, people in cars are generally intent on getting home, people with guns are generally intent on mortally wounding someone.

Edited by magley64
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People with hammers usually intend to construct a building, people with ball bats are generally intent on winning a baseball game, people in cars are generally intent on getting home, people with guns are generally intent on mortally wounding.

So you're generally generalizing? Way to prove your point there pocko!

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I like this....

The main purpose of a firearm is to be at least an equalizer if not provide advantage in a situation that would otherwise have a predetermined victim.

"False is the idea of utility that sacrifices a thousand real advantages for one imaginary or trifling inconvenience; that would take fire from men because it burns, and water because one may drown in it; that has no remedy for evils except destruction. The laws that forbid the carrying of arms are laws of such a nature. They disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes." - Cesare Beccaria, as quoted by Thomas Jefferson.

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People with hammers usually intend to construct a building, people with ball bats are generally intent on winning a baseball game, people in cars are generally intent on getting home, people with guns are generally intent on mortally wounding.

Once again you are wrong more rounds are fired at the range than at people. You stupidity is astounding its like talking to a fucking cow about cheese burgers.

Please tell me when a gun has hurt anyone without a person causing it to. Like all the things above it is just a tool.

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People with hammers usually intend to construct a building, people with ball bats are generally intent on winning a baseball game, people in cars are generally intent on getting home, people with guns are generally intent on mortally wounding someone.

You are so far beyond fucking stupid. It's just mind boggling.

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Once again you are wrong more rounds are fired at the range than at people.

What are you doing at a range? Honing your skills, practicing so you can be more deadly accurate with your weapon of choice.

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Then please go do that. Nobody here is interested in your broken record argument on guns.

It's fixed, and the weekend is over...

And clearly someone is interested or it wouldn't be a 3 page thread...

Edited by magley64
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I have shot hundreds of guns, firing 10's of thousands of rounds, over 2+ decades...

I've never hunted with them; I've never killed a person with them.

Please tell me how my guns have only been used for killing.


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I have shot hundreds of guns, firing 10's of thousands of rounds, over 2+ decades...

I've never hunted with them; I've never killed a person with them.

Please tell me how my guns have only been used for killing.


Your guns are out of control but you just haven't realized it yet. They are made for killing, and nothing other than to kill......maybe your guns are magical?

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Risk your own health and safety all you wish, when your actions put me at risk is when I have an issue. I'd rather not be hit by a stray bullet cause you don't have the courage to face the world as you are. Now some situation makes you jumpy, you pull out your courage replacement device and everyone on the business end of it is in serious physical danger.

This is a big part of the problem. Don't assume because you can't trust yourself worth a gun that what you think you might do on a situation is what I would do. I've never had to pull my gun on someone outside the line of duty. Never pulled itself out because I was pissed off. I have no intentions of killing someone. I will not be the primary aggressor. My intentions are to neutralize the threat. If they die, that was their choice. I only want to make sure they are no longer a threat. My guns are used for fun like target practice and to protect me and my loved ones against someone that may wish us harm. It is better I face someone with a gun with my own to even the odds. Why would I want to chance my daughter's life going up against a criminal with a gun and all I have is a bat, or my elbows. More than 21 ft, fact, and someone can pull a gun and fire on you before you can run up and punch or stab them.

What are you doing at a range? Honing your skills, practicing so you can be more deadly accurate with your weapon of choice.

You are confusing accuracy with intent to kill. I practice with the intent to not hit anyone that might be innocent. To quickly end a threat to myself or other innocents. You are a moron of the highest degree.

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What are you doing at a range? Honing your skills, practicing so you can be more deadly accurate with your weapon of choice.

Please explain trap and skeet shooting? A sport created so that people could shoot at clay birds and not have to use real birds. Guys spend more money on a gun that they will exclusively shoot at clay targets than some people spend on a house. Yet a lot of the trap and skeet guys never have shot a living thing in their life.

Have you ever had a knife pulled on you? I have, now you may choose to use your mad ninja badass skills to fight the knife wielding asshole but you are most likely going to get cut badly even if you can beat their ass. Me I choose to point my gun at the asshole and tell him to drop the knife. No one got injured and I arrested the jackass. Now you for some reason think that makes me less courageous because I didn't pull out my knife and go toe to toe with him. In reality I'm smart enough to know that I'm not going to be able to kick everyones ass and even if I could the risk of blood borne pathogens is too great to risk it. If you've ever been in a real fight you know its bloody. I'd rather not bring some meth heads diseases home to my family. I've taken 186 lbs. of pot from and arrested 8 armed drug runners with one other person being my only backup within 2 hrs. I'd like to see you accomplish that without a gun. So Mr.courage whose afraid to go outside because he may get hit with one of my stray bullets please explain to me how that makes me a pussy for not facing the world without a gun. Please tell me how you have any clue about what you are talking about because right now it's pretty apparent you are talking out of your ass.

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Have you ever had a knife pulled on you.... you are talking out of your ass.

Translation: the world is big and scary, and everyone is out to kill me, that's why...

Sorry you feel that way. Sorry your world is so perilous, mine isn't... maybe you need to live somewhere safer?

Also, what are you doing to these people that makes them want to kill you so badly?

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