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put in bay is full of douchebags

max power

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Go ride. Dont come here.

Good place to get drunk though. Wifes gonna be easy tonight. Giggity.

It's also really early in the season but your statement isn't that far off. How long are you up there? What all are you guys planning on doing?

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it's called Put OUT Bay. And it's like spring break for 40 yr old white women...

Honestly, I've been there 3 or 4 times in the last couple of years, and it has always been fun. There are indeed some douches, but that can be said almost anywhere. We just always try to rent a house that "sleeps 13" and then cram it with 20 people. Then you cab it to the bar, and fill half the place yourselves.

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We used to sail over there as a kid and it was very nice. Low-keyed, relaxed. Went back 25 years later and holy shit! Meat-heads and whores. I'm almost forty. People to look at me and see a guy that wants to fight, but just 2 years ago, some dick-bag was trying to start shit with me there. Not at all a good time any more. Kelley's is much more my speed now.

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Yes it is...probably been there 15x and its awesome if you can get past the North Coast shore assholes. Like stated, every weekend is like spring break for Middle Aged folks

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it's called Put OUT Bay. And it's like spring break for 40 yr old white women...

Honestly, I've been there 3 or 4 times in the last couple of years, and it has always been fun.

This is why we went. :lol: the wife and i had a great time....and she put out the way they only do in a hotel.

Haven't been in 7 years and the DB quotient has risen dramatically.

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A buddy and I went for a weekend trip for another buddies bachelor party. We rode motorcycles and brought them onto the island. We had our fill on the Friday night. We decided to leave on Saturday instead of the Sunday. We both had enough of overpriced beer, and it was a sausage-fest of DBs. Taking the long way home on motorcycles was the more desirable choice for both of us. Plus my fridge has an excellent beer selection, and the wife was happy to see me.

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