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So Long and Thanks for all the Miles


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Well, after nearly 9 years in Ohio it looks like I will be moving back to my home state of Tennessee. I found a great opportunity at our corporate office in Nashville and signed the paperwork today. I don't have any firm idea about timing, but it will probably be a gradual transition ending with me being down there full time by the end of the summer. I'm looking forward to being closer to some family, and being <200 miles from the start of the Cherohala and other great roads in the mountains.

Years ago, I never thought I would say this, but I'm really going to miss the riding in Ohio. Mostly because so many of you are such great people and I've genuinely enjoyed meeting everyone and having had the chance to go on so many fantastic group rides over the years. I've also come to know and enjoy many of the SE Ohio roads and will greatly miss that familiarity. It's going to be a hectic summer, but hopefully I'll be able to work in a few more group rides before I make the move.

OR is a great community and has really helped me evolve as a motorcyclist, both in understanding what I want out of my hobby, and of the kinds of people that I want to find and surround myself with, and you all have my genuine thanks for that. I plan on trying to stay as active as possible on the forum, and hope to be able to still get involved in rides down towards TN (especially Gap trips).

If any of you find yourselves in the Nashville area and want to catch up or grab a drink, just shoot me a PM. I'll always consider myself part of the OR family no matter where I live.

Speed Safely,

- Will

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Congrats. We are down that way once in a while. I also have family just south of Nashville, I would like to move there too.

Hopefully I will see you at another ride. Good luck.

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Good riding with you Will.

Likewise, Tony. Some of the best rides I've had were chasing you and Dave all over SE Ohio and WV, and I have learned as a rider from both of you immeasurably.

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You've got OR members in Nashville :) Lemme know when you make it down. I'm always looking for other riders. Where will you be living down here?

We're looking at Mt. Juliet as the primary area at the moment for proximity to work and family.

That it's on the right side of town relative to the mountains doesn't hurt either...

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please buy a giant house on a huge plot of land so we can come crash at your place, ride to our hearts content during the day, and shoot to relax our sore muscles afterwards. jaaaaaaaaay kaaaaaaaaaay (but seriously, do that)

i've only been on a few rides with you, but it was great fun! hope i see you down that way here and then.

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We're looking at Mt. Juliet as the primary area at the moment for proximity to work and family.

That it's on the right side of town relative to the mountains doesn't hurt either...

Hah, I totally understand. You'll be close, I live on the East side right next to the airport in Donelson.

I rode the back roads to GA a few weeks ago, even with the four stops I made for gas, food, and more clothes because it was so friggin cold it only took about 4 hours. I sure can't complain about being so close to the good riding!

I've been doing some exploring and there's a couple days worth of amazing riding just outside of Lebanon. It's going to be a fun summer.

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ive only met you a couple of times, but your an outstanding guy and i enjoyed riding with you.. will have to do some more rides before you leave. its sad to see you go, but your happiness knows what it wants. GL with everything and i hope to see you on the roads a few times more before you leave this shitty state!

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I know I just met ya this weekend but it was great riding and meeting with ya! Enjoy going back home and I one day hope to retire to Tennessee as I absolutely love it down that way for many reasons

Hopefully I'll get to ride with you again before you leave!

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Congratulations man, it was great riding with you both last year and this year on the epic ride, you were an outstanding lead and handled the few mishaps within the groups well. Enjoy the roads down there, we'll all be jealous!

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Great news for you Will, but bad news for us - I will miss being able to ride with you in the future. You are a solid rider and an even better person, good luck in your new venture!

Dave G.

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Thanks for the kind words, everyone - I'm really going to miss the riding community here. It's looking like I'll probably be making the full transition by the middle of September, so hopefully I'll be able to make a few more rides between now and then.

In the mean time, I've got to get some stuff done on my house to get it ready to sell. If you know of anyone looking for a place in Green, let me know - I'm going to be a pretty motivated seller :D

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Congrat's on the new opportunity and getting to go home, they don't come along but a couple of times in a lifetime, if at all.

And speaking of places in Green....nah, just kidding, I'm probably moving soon myself out of Ohio.

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Congrats Will, its been a great experience riding with you, and of course you will be missed. I really had a blast sweeping for our group during the epic ride, even with the spills and thrills that took place. Glad I got to take the lead for a little while for ya heading in, even though our group was down to three haha. Take it easy man, from one Will to another.

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