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What are some parents thinking?


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I stopped at a store on my way home from work got lucky and found a front row spot went in for about 15 minutes. When I came back out some guy had his 4 year old sitting on my bike this had me a little upset but what really got me was the kid had a chocolate ice cream cone and was dripping it all over my bike when I walked up to them the guy saw my helmet and says Is this yours its a nice looking bike. In my calmest vice I could muster I told him it was but that I was fighting the urge to hit him in the face with my helmet right now and not in the mood to talk. At that point he grabbed his kid and ran off. What was this guy thinking how would he feel in someone let their kids play in his car. RANT OVER

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I think I would of explained to the kid how it is not OK to drip ice cream on anything and how it is not OK to sit on anyone's vehicle/bike without the owners permission. I would of ask for the guy to pay for cleaning, and remind him the next person will not be so nice.

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Wow, glad you were able to be calm.

Unless you parked near a Chuck-E-Cheese and there was a quarter slot near the bike like those outside kid rides, it think the child would have witnessed dad getting a life lesson.

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I think I would of explained to the kid how it is not OK to drip ice cream on anything and how it is not OK to sit on anyone's vehicle/bike without the owners permission. I would of ask for the guy to pay for cleaning, and remind him the next person will not be so nice.

Talk to the kid. Something close to this: "Hi there kiddo. Since your dad doesn't seem to know his ass from his elbow, I'll explain some basic stuff to you for future reference. You don't ever sit on someone's motorcycle without asking first. Motorcyclists like their machines, so don't drip gooey stuff all over them. Finally, if you do either of these things, you should expect to get an ass kicking. Okay?"

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Talk to the kid. Something close to this: "Hi there kiddo. Since your dad doesn't seem to know his ass from his elbow, I'll explain some basic stuff to you for future reference. You don't ever sit on someone's motorcycle without asking first. Motorcyclists like their machines, so don't drip gooey stuff all over them. Finally, if you do either of these things, you should expect to get an ass kicking. Okay?"

This would probably be the best answer. That way the kid can hopefully understand why not to do wrong, and the father will hopefully pick up on your sarcasm as the subliminal threat that it is :D

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I must be a minority here. I wouldn't be bothered in the least. Ice cream drippage aside, the kid probably pointed it out, much like my own daughter points out every bike she sees. Sitting on it is beyond the norm, I agree, but I guess I don't see that as an offense worthy of an ass kicking, like trying out a wife or girlfriend, or jumping on the hood of his car would be...

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In reality, I probably wouldn't say the ass-kicking part. Felt good to write it but I'm a bit too laid back to overtly swear in front of a kid. But let's say it's a classic car - a '67 GTO convertible - and the kid just climbs in with an ice cream cone. Feel different? To me that's analogous.

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Must be due to it being a "Harley Davidson", because most people have no idea what a motorcycle is beyond that. :D And you handled that well.......I might have said something like "do you see a slot to place a quarter in"? And then you could've asked where there car was so you could go sit in it and drip a melting ice cream cone all over the seat. We have so many idiots out there that have no respect for people, nor any of their property. :nono:

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I stopped at a store on my way home from work got lucky and found a front row spot went in for about 15 minutes. When I came back out some guy had his 4 year old sitting on my bike this had me a little upset but what really got me was the kid had a chocolate ice cream cone and was dripping it all over my bike when I walked up to them the guy saw my helmet and says Is this yours its a nice looking bike. In my calmest vice I could muster I told him it was but that I was fighting the urge to hit him in the face with my helmet right now and not in the mood to talk. At that point he grabbed his kid and ran off. What was this guy thinking how would he feel in someone let their kids play in his car. RANT OVER

You've got to be shitting me!

This really happened, and you didn't kick the guys ass?

No fucking way in hell I'd let that go.

I wouldn't have even said anything either...I'd have just cold cocked the guy.

Sit on my bike without permission? Hell, you might as well fuck my wife, or piss in my beer.

No fucking way I'd let that slide.

Not even once, not for a second.

I don't care if this happened in front of a police parade...I'd deal with the consequences later.

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I'd have to say I'd be calm too. Can't tell you how many times I've found kids sitting on my 1940 Deere that I restored. They are kids yes it would be nice to be asked but come one they're kids. There are few things in this world that can happen but remember most kids mean to do no harm sometimes "shit happens"

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I'd have bluntly asked him what his goddamn malfunction was sitting his kid down on my bike.

I wouldn't have belted his ass into next week, though, but he would have known damn quick that if he said anything stupid other than "sorry, sir, it was the wrong thing to do", then it would probably get ugly in front of his kid.

I might then follow through with the elbows.... you know, Magz style.

Okay, okay, I'm joking about the elbows.

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Before I rode a friend rode his bike to a car show I was at. He got off and walked away from it and I saw this kid go running up to the bike so I went right over just in time to watch him climb up on the bike and hear his leg hit the scorching hot exaust pipe. I came up to him and he was crying about his leg and scared to get off I helped him off the bike and told him.. THAT IS WHY YOU DONT TOUCH OTHER PEOPLES STUFF I hope it made a long lasting impression like the 3rd degree bun on his leg. The parents had no idea where the kid was or that he was hurt. People kill me

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