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Open carry lawsuit out of Dayton.


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PC? really I am not Magley here, just stating that if I were the Leo I would have done the same thing. I realize he was not breaking any laws If he(the suspect) also realized he was not breaking any laws what harm is there in showing I.D. He was being a dick trying to be a hard ass to the cop who was trying to do his job and keep the people/store safe.

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PC? really I am not Magley here, just stating that if I were the Leo I would have done the same thing. I realize he was not breaking any laws If he(the suspect) also realized he was not breaking any laws what harm is there in showing I.D. He was being a dick trying to be a hard ass to the cop who was trying to do his job and keep the people/store safe.

You say hes being a dick, he would say hes defending his rights, like it or not, his rights were violated because he wasnt breaking the law.

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PC? really I am not Magley here, just stating that if I were the Leo I would have done the same thing. I realize he was not breaking any laws If he(the suspect) also realized he was not breaking any laws what harm is there in showing I.D. He was being a dick trying to be a hard ass to the cop who was trying to do his job and keep the people/store safe.

Because its not required for him to show his ID. Maybe the officer was being a jackass and on a power trip. I'm sure we don't know the whole story.

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So if I get pulled over I should not notify the leo of a chl act like a prick be inconclusive with info and expect to be let go instantly? That sounds about right?

If you have a weapon in the car, you are required by law to notify, if you dont then you are not required to notify.

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I had a neighbor call on me once for open carry while I was cutting my lawn. When the officer pulled up to my house I acted respectful, answered his questions showed I.D. with my chl. He then went across the street and told my neighbor I was doing no wrong. If I acted like a dick refused to show I.D. and refused to answer his concerns I bet it would have ended much worse for me.

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I had a neighbor call on me once for open carry while I was cutting my lawn. When the officer pulled up to my house I acted respectful, answered his questions showed I.D. with my chl. He then went across the street and told my neighbor I was doing no wrong. If I acted like a dick refused to show I.D. and refused to answer his concerns I bet it would have ended much worse for me.

I bet if you refused to show ID until he notified you that you commited a crime you would of been within your rights. You also have to right to ask the officer to leave your property if they have no reason to be there.

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I had a neighbor call on me once for open carry while I was cutting my lawn. When the officer pulled up to my house I acted respectful, answered his questions showed I.D. with my chl. He then went across the street and told my neighbor I was doing no wrong. If I acted like a dick refused to show I.D. and refused to answer his concerns I bet it would have ended much worse for me.

I doubt it, all you had to do was tell the officer that you was on your property and that open carry was perfectly legal. That unless you was suspect of breaking the law that you was continuing about your business. After that I would have went over to the neighbors and handed him a copy of the laws concerning Ohio CHL laws and a print out of ORC 9.68 and highlighted the part concerning open carry. Ive done this before when i had them called on me. My local police office even asked if i was waving the gun around or if it was holstered. Once the guy said it was holstered. They told him to call back when I started waving it around.

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So if this guy would have made it back to his car and done the same, he is no less of a trouble maker? Again I am not saying his right are not being violated, I am saying his attitude and demeanor are the reason he got so much grief...

That's where the whole think a crime may be committed could come into play. Once the officer seen him with a pistol and then get into a car then he may assume the a crime had been committed. But this guys action I'm pretty sure he knew the law and knew he had to have a chl to have the pistol on him and get into a vehicle.

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I know the laws on chl I try to keep up on them. I also try to respect the local leo and extend to them some resect to keep them at ease when I am involved in a traffic stop. If this d-bag would have done the same his outcome would be much better i bet.

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This is why i take issue with a LEO disarming me in a stop. They might have the right to do so, but I see little to no reason to do so. Im not the one they need to be concerned about as I am already properly vetted to carry a firearm. Im proven to be a good guy, so disarming me just shows that you have no respect for a law abiding citizen.

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I know the laws on chl I try to keep up on them. I also try to respect the local leo and extend to them some resect to keep them at ease when I am involved in a traffic stop. If this d-bag would have done the same his outcome would be much better i bet.

I don't see how we can assume who the d bag was in this situation without video. Would you of acted politely and respectful if the officer was acting like a complete assuole when you neighbor called on you? We know this to be a high crime neighborhood and the just got a call for a MWAG the cop could of been thinking "fuck ya some action..."

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When I was confronted by the local leo in my yard I did state I was within my rights to open carry. He stated He understood that and was just responding to the call he received. Once I showed him my info and he KNEW I was within my rights he quickly and sternly went over to inform my neighbor I was within my rights. If I acted in the same way as the story what do you think the outcome would have been? (keep in mind I live in a nice sub development with $300k+ homes) Bet he would not have been on my side still..

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I can understand both sides of the story. Personally, when I'm stopped I tell them I have CCW, and I'll tell them whether or not I'm carrying. If asked for an ID, I'll produce it, If I'm on the bike, the helmet comes off and the hands go where they can be seen, same if I'm in the car. I don't open carry now but I don't have a problem with those who do. If I did, I would not have a problem with the police asking for my ID. I don't feel my rights are infringed in any way by my behavior. Reading these posts, I may be wrong, but I've been stopped many times carrying and not carrying, in the car, on the bike. I've never been hassled, arrested, detained, held, searched, cuffed, relieved of my pistol, profiled, or questioned. I would think that if I did not provide my ID after being asked for it then I expect all the above would have happened to me.

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Regardless of the neighborhood a dick attitude does not help. I have been stopped in down town Cleveland before also. At first the leo was hostile until I gave him no reason to be. He checked my info and let me on my way, without a ticket or detainment or weapon confiscation.

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When I was confronted by the local leo in my yard I did state I was within my rights to open carry. He stated He understood that and was just responding to the call he received. Once I showed him my info and he KNEW I was within my rights he quickly and sternly went over to inform my neighbor I was within my rights. If I acted in the same way as the story what do you think the outcome would have been? (keep in mind I live in a nice sub development with $300k+ homes) Bet he would not have been on my side still..

I'm not debating that. My question was if the officer would of been a total dick from the beginning would you of still of acted the same?

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I can understand both sides of the story. Personally, when I'm stopped I tell them I have CCW, and I'll tell them whether or not I'm carrying. If asked for an ID, I'll produce it, If I'm on the bike, the helmet comes off and the hands go where they can be seen, same if I'm in the car. I don't open carry now but I don't have a problem with those who do. If I did, I would not have a problem with the police asking for my ID. I don't feel my rights are infringed in any way by my behavior. Reading these posts, I may be wrong, but I've been stopped many times carrying and not carrying, in the car, on the bike. I've never been hassled, arrested, detained, held, searched, cuffed, relieved of my pistol, profiled, or questioned. I would think that if I did not provide my ID after being asked for it then I expect all the above would have happened to me.

Finally someone who see my side. thanks

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I can understand both sides of the story. Personally, when I'm stopped I tell them I have CCW, and I'll tell them whether or not I'm carrying. If asked for an ID, I'll produce it, If I'm on the bike, the helmet comes off and the hands go where they can be seen, same if I'm in the car. I don't open carry now but I don't have a problem with those who do. If I did, I would not have a problem with the police asking for my ID. I don't feel my rights are infringed in any way by my behavior. Reading these posts, I may be wrong, but I've been stopped many times carrying and not carrying, in the car, on the bike. I've never been hassled, arrested, detained, held, searched, cuffed, relieved of my pistol, profiled, or questioned. I would think that if I did not provide my ID after being asked for it then I expect all the above would have happened to me.

You may not of felt your rights were infringed on but this guy did. Which BY LAW they were.

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I'm not debating that. My question was if the officer would of been a total dick from the beginning would you of still of acted the same?

When he first pulled up he was being a total prick. Acting like he was some super cop. WHY? he was on high alert due to a mwag call. I understood this and tried to calm the situation as I could. It worked and he ended siding with me. If I refused his request and acted hostile I m sure it would have ended badly for me.

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When he first pulled up he was being a total prick. Acting like he was some super cop. WHY? he was on high alert due to a mwag call. I understood this and tried to calm the situation as I could. It worked and he ended siding with me. If I refused his request and acted hostile I m sure it would have ended badly for me.

What bad would of happen if you stayed within your rights?

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I can bet I would of been disarmed, arrested, or detained. WHICH would of been unlawful, and would have ended with me seeking a lawyer. BUT I choose to act like a rational gun owner and respect the leo's concerns of the mwag call. It is all about mutual respect and I guess some people and leo's do not have that. Which is sad but true..

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How many rights are we willing to just give up? Where does it end? Should someone be a dick just to be a dick. No. But should someone give up their right just to save a little hassel. If more people stood up for their rights or properly educated themselfs on their rights may e we wouldn't have stories like this come out, but a lot of LEO use intimidation to get what they want from most of society until we all conform to save the hassel and give up our rights as Americans in the process

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