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115 Miles Round Trip?


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Would you do that for a job? It seemed bad, but the drive wasn't horrible. It's for an engineering firm in Ft. Thomas, Kentucky. 


An added benefit would be the proximity to crazy awesome roads down there. We could potentially move slightly closer, but the wife may be going to Wright State for grad school. 

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Going through Cinci in rush hour will be miserable. If you could alter your hours to say 6-2 or somehting, I'd do it.

Edited by Ron505
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Personally I think its a pain in the ass and unless the pay is awesome I wouldn't do it. The wear and tear on your vehicle will be a lot, and you'll be shocked how quickly miles rack up on it. Gas prices aren't cheap right now either so that's all something you should factor in. If you consider your time, gas, and vehicle maintenance you could probably take a job close to home that pays $3-4 an hour less and come out even.

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I used to do 110 mile roundtrip. It was between Detroit to Toledo. Little traffic and all highway. No big city to drive through. Roads always plowed and salted. Opposite of traffic flow. Best possible scenario for that type of commute. I did it 5+ years.

I wouldn't do it again.

Averaged 40k miles on my car per year. A new car would have 120k miles in 3 years.

I left my work laptop at home several times. Those days were 4 hour commuting days. 4 hours!

I ended up changing dentists, doctors, optometrists, car service centers, to near work because you can't do any of them on a weekday.

Snow days or rainy days or cnstruction added a mystery on ETA. My wife couldn't count on me to be home on time.

My wife got into a car accident when she was 8 months pregnant. I did my 1 hour commute in 40 minutes. That was average mph of 110. And I was still 4o minutes away.

versus a job at 20miles roundtrip, avg mpg of 30, at $4.00; you will spend $3000 more per year in gas.

You will need new tires on your car Evey 2 years.

And finally. I'd leave my house at 6am to get to work at 7. I'd leave work at 6pm and miss dinner with the family.

Even riding motorcycle was a chore. Had to look at weather for two different cities and study radar maps. Eventually as long as I got to work dry I didn't care if I got wet on way home.

Money isn't everything. Now if you know for sure you'll eventually move in a year or two, then no big deal. Otherwise I would not do it again.

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I do close to that at 94 miles round trip. Reasons I don't mind it too much are I go against the grain of traffic so I never get stuck into bumper to bumper stuff. Gives me time to unwind and listen to my sports podcasts. Since its such a haul, there are days my boss just says stay up and work from home. Also, it helps that I have a company vehicle :D

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Round trip? Not bad, but cinci is a bitch during rush hour.

I commute 140 one way at least 3 days per week.

^^^Yes 71 and 75 are very busy in the mornings and evenings.  Have you considered relocating to the east or west of Cinci close to 275?  275 is better in the morning and this would split the distance if your wife goes to Wright State.

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I would do it if I got paid over 100k a year.


in this economy.......I'd do it for 70K a year.


I've done a long commute, no where near 100 miles and it was exciting at first

then fun


then a hassle

then a tedious mind numbing thing to be endured-add storms both summer and winter, accidents two hours a day, sitting in a whatever?

ten hours a week?

40 hours a month?


but in this economy, you got bills to pay, mouths to feed aint nothing in the world for free, there aint no rest for the wicked. ..

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I've done similar before and several coworkers drive that or worse.

Consider the economic and time costs of the commute and weigh that vs the job, pay and alternatives.

If I had to I would commute like that again but I very much prefer my 8 mile, 20 min commute :)



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in this economy.......I'd do it for 70K a year.


I've done a long commute, no where near 100 miles and it was exciting at first

then fun


then a hassle

then a tedious mind numbing thing to be endured-add storms both summer and winter, accidents two hours a day, sitting in a whatever?

ten hours a week?

40 hours a month?


but in this economy, you got bills to pay, mouths to feed aint nothing in the world for free, there aint no rest for the wicked. ..




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yeah, the old dude rocks. Drove to columbius 6 weeks ago to see Cave Singers- opening act "bleeding rainbow"...arguably, the worse band I've ever seen. And I saw Triumph in the 80's.

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Yea I've done something similar before. It was 40-45 minutes each way. But I literally took 4 turns to get to work...most of it was straight highway to get to work and no traffic. With 6am briefs and late afternoon debriefs, it was a bitch and I ended up doing 12+ hour days at times.  


The job was awesome though, and I wouldnt change anything in the world for that experience. 


It'll come down to a cost-benefit for you, hopefully the job is rewarding. You're going to have a one hour commute atleast. Consider traffic and the winter season, i probably wouldnt take it...but I dont know your circumstances.

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Personally I think its a pain in the ass...

I wouldn't do it.

The wear and tear on your vehicle will be a lot,

and you'll be shocked how quickly miles rack up on it.

Gas prices aren't cheap right now...

...consider your time, gas, and vehicle maintenance...



I used to do 110 mile roundtrip... I did it 5+ years.

I wouldn't do it again.

Averaged 40k miles on my car per year.

A new car would have 120k miles in 3 years.

Those days were 4 hour commuting days. 4 hours!

Snow days or rainy days or cnstruction added a mystery on ETA.

My wife couldn't count on me to be home on time.

...avg mpg of 30, at $4.00; you will spend $3000 more per year in gas.

You will need new tires on your car Evey 2 years.

Even riding motorcycle was a chore. Had to look at weather for two different cities and study radar maps.

...I would not do it again.



Time is money and you will be wasting a ton of it in the car.

Not to mention wear and tear + gas.



I've done a long commute...it was exciting at first

then fun


then a hassle

then a tedious mind numbing thing to be endured

-add storms both summer and winter, accidents two hours a day, sitting in a whatever?

ten hours a week?

40 hours a month?



And for all of those reasons, plus more.....NO!


Move closer.  I drive 40 - 50 minutes, 32 miles one way.

I wouldn't want to drive any farther.  64 miles a day is far

enough for a job, and an hour and a half a day driving to

and from work is plenty.  It's worse if you have to make a

stop or two on the way home when you're tired.  Plus, the

longer you take to get on the road, the thicker traffic gets

and adds time and stress to your trip.  You don't need

that when you have to walk into the house and have the

ol' lady start harping about the stopped up toilet, or her

car acting up.



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And for all of those reasons, plus more.....NO!


Move closer.  I drive 40 - 50 minutes, 32 miles one way.

I wouldn't want to drive any farther.  64 miles a day is far

enough for a job, and an hour and a half a day driving to

and from work is plenty.



I drive 30 more miles than you do in the same amount of time ;)


Granted I have almost no traffic to contend with

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