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Another Fallen Rider In Licking County.


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This evening, another rider lost his life in an incident just west of Utica on 62.  From what I've been reading, the guy rear ended a semi truck that had no trailer attached at the time. Someone had posted some gruesome details.  




RIP Rider, and prayers going out for the family and friends that have lost a loved one.  :(

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:/ I feel like I see something on here about someone crashing/dying on here everyday. Damn.



The only grace it does seem (and no disrespect meant- I wasn't there and lots of sad family this week) it seems most if not all of these accidents could have been prevented, but just being not that much more cautious. 

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sucks so many this early in the season.


early in the year...maybe rusty skills?


I ride pretty much year round,but I still try to pay close attention to common errors(corner entry,surface conditions,turn signals,etc) early in the year.It could happen to anybody.

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Sorry about that...



My family received some terrible news last night.  My oldest brother was killed in a motorcycle accident around 9PM.  He was riding his 2002 Yamaha R6. He went to pass a few cars and did not realized that there was another car coming head on.  He made it around a 2 and cut back into his lane.  When he cut back, he failed to see the semi that was in his lane.  It didn't have a trailer on it.  It was just the cab.  He couldn't slow down fast enough due to slick roads.  The collision with the truck threw him from the bike.  The bike attached itself to the truck.  The driver did not realize he had been hit.  He thought he had a flat tire, so he went on to the next gas station.  My brother was pronounced dead on arrival. 

 My brother was a major stickler for motorcycle safety. He was an ATGATT rider and he insisted that everyone he rides with do the same.  He had his own list of motorcycle rules as well:

1) Always ride with a clear head

2) Never ride at night

3) Never even a drop of alcohol before getting on the bike

Last night he broke all of these rules and it cost him and my family majorly.  He didn't have much to drink.  Only one beer.  It still cost him his life.  However, his biggest mistake was riding angry.  Never ride angry.  Be sure and tell your husband/wife how much you love them every time you get on the bike.   Just some advice from one rider to another.  We will forever miss my brother.





Thanks guys.  I just wanted to post that as a reminder to everyone to ride safe and smart.  

The worst was having to watch my sister in law tell her 10 year old son that his father/hero was dead all from a simple mistake.


Nothing short of awful.  Damn, I can't imagine leaving my kiddo and family behind that way.


I wonder if he entered the turn on a wet surface too fast, lost control and went over.  Ugh.

Edited by smccrory
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I wonder if he entered the turn on a wet surface too fast, lost control and went over.  Ugh.

The quote says what he did. Cut back in line to avoid oncoming traffic and couldn't get slowed down fast enough. Rear ending a semi cab would be most unpleasant. RIP rider.

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