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Wow, Has This Place Ever Changed....


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no, definitely don't do what redbarron said.... but to REALLY get the old site back, you have to find and delete the system32 folder in the windows folder.

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I had to give you a :plus1: rep for that, since somebody gave you neg rep!  

This kind of cracks me up.  Every time anyone gives 'neg rep' or rather votes down a comment, someone else swoops in and votes it up to reverse...........  lol.

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First, let me apologize to Mike.


I am sorry.  Occasionally, the 12 year old inside me takes over, and thinks something is funny without caring if someone else will find it funny.


I make the assumption that any advice given, from anyone, is taken with a grain of salt, and verified before implementing.  Especially in an area marked as "Time Wasters".


Also, since I have been on computers since the early 80's, I forget there are people who do not recognize deletion commands, even the old school DOS commands.


In the future, I will try to keep my trolling in the "Flame" section.

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First, let me apologize to Mike.


I am sorry.  Occasionally, the 12 year old inside me takes over, and thinks something is funny without caring if someone else will find it funny.


I make the assumption that any advice given, from anyone, is taken with a grain of salt, and verified before implementing.  Especially in an area marked as "Time Wasters".


Also, since I have been on computers since the early 80's, I forget there are people who do not recognize deletion commands, even the old school DOS commands.


In the future, I will try to keep my trolling in the "Flame" section.


Oh it was funny. Nerd funny. I laughed, closed the window, then thought, "shit, there might be some people who'd actually do this, I better post not to". :lol:

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