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Coolant Question


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Last year I switched from antifreeze to Water Wetter for the first time.  I drained it for the winter to prevent any freeze damage.  This year when refilling I looked into the radiator and noticed that there was a light brown substance inside the radiator as well as on the cap.  (It wiped off of the cap easily so it must not be corrosion.)

Does anyone know what this is or if it is normal?

Is it growing microbes?

Is there something I should add to the coolant to prevent it?

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Interesting, I would guess it's just the WW mixing with whatever was left on the cap, or in the radiator.  you may want to flush it real quick with some tap water, then use the distilled per normal to refil with WW.  I mean really should be done every season, so I am told ;)


Fluids will be done before next season all around on my bike, that I do know.

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are you leaving the bike (mostly) empty over the winter, or re-filling it with antifreeze?


I would not leave it empty, as that leaves room for condensation to form, and could potentially dry out gaskets, etc. that the coolant normally keeps lubricated.


You can run a hose straight through the radiator with the water-pump drain off.   That cleans out pretty much everything.  I always flush a gallon or so of distilled water after that, so no tap water stays in the bike.


It's probably a waste of distilled water, but at $.45/gallon, the peace of mind is worth it...

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Yeah that's how I usually do it when flushing.  I flush, then fill with hose water, then empty, then hose water it back up and leave hose in to flush.  Then use distilled to flush, and then refill with distilled.  I did have to replace my radiator last season and didn't flush it as much as I probably should, but it's been fine.

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Why are you not running anti-freeze with your wetter water?

its more effective alone.

as to the goo, its been documented over on the gold wing site- no one suggests using it for that reason. that goo can build up. run antifreeze, change it yearly, if you have overheat problems, address those.

waterwetter is superior for racetrack where you can't dump slippery toxic AF on the ground if you wreck

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When I picked up the bike I have now, the PO ran striaght distilled water and over time it turned a rusty orange color. I have run at least a dozen gallons of fresh distelled through it over the last year plus, as well as the WW & distilled combo you are. I still get bits of that orange scale now and again. My guess is that somehwere in your coolant system there is some scale of some sort that, with your system empy and condensation at work, some of it at a particulate level dispersed itself about the place. So long as it isn't too much like oil or you have other cooling system issues, I'd not lose much sleep over it.

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Lots of guys have seen this on yellowbullet as well and stopped using water wetter altogether.


"If someone on here isnt familiar with yellowbullet its one of if not the premier drag racing forum in the country."

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I used to use the Engine Ice before as it is not Ethylene Glycol based. but a lot of orgs have banned the Engine Ice since it is a glycol based product.  The LP stuff is fully approved by all the racing entities.

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I know Todd at MS doesn't allow Engine Ice. I ran it in my 750 and liked it. I'll have to ask about the LP product. Never heard of it up until now. I still ike WW. Not a huge fan of just running plain distilled water unless you drain it frequently. You should still treat the moving parts in your cooling system with something.

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I know Todd at MS doesn't allow Engine Ice. I ran it in my 750 and liked it. I'll have to ask about the LP product. Never heard of it up until now. I still ike WW. Not a huge fan of just running plain distilled water unless you drain it frequently. You should still treat the moving parts in your cooling system with something.

yes, definitely dont run straight water. The LP is my choice over the engine ice since it's been banned. water wetter is a last ditch effort in a pinch

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