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Carlos Hyde Being Kicked Off The Team For Punching A Girl At Sugar?


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Why players go and put themselves in potential bad situations "especially football players" makes no sense to me. It is obvious that they will never learn, they become so spoiled and tend to get whatever they want, and when they don't things like this happens. Clarett was on Jim Rome recently, was a really great interview that he gave. Says the players at major programs are like Gods, and it really messes you up in the head for those that cannot handle it. Another black eye for the Buckeyes, coach needs to keep the players on lockdown the entire time they are at school.

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I read thru the links...  Looks like there's a degree of uncertainty as to who threw the punch.  Girl stated she didn't know his name but could identify him.


Hope it was someone else...   :nono:

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in before everyone blames Urban Meyer and not the background or character of said player



Also, Bradley Roby was arrested over the weekend


Now Brian......didn't you get the memo that it's always somebody else to blame for when people screw up and make bad choices?

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Why players go and put themselves in potential bad situations "especially students on scholarships" makes no sense to me. It is obvious that they will never learn, they become so spoiled and tend to get whatever they want, and when they don't things like this happens. Clarett was on Jim Rome recently, was a really great interview that he gave. Says the players at major programs are like Gods, and it really messes you up in the head for those that cannot handle it. Another black eye for the Buckeyes, students need to keep themselves on lockdown the entire time they are at school.

^fixed that for you



If you cant handle going to school and playing sports GTFO. Nobody's fault but their own.

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Yeah, just heard on the radio that Hyde was dismissed...  Roby is in trouble, too.


Here's a story:




It would seem that Urban Meyer just can't get a break in getting that 1000 yard rusher...

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We had a buckeye tree in the yard when I was a kit. I used to throw the spiny shells at my brother. It's a buckeye thing... all this violence must stop.


When you were a kit?  And now you're assembled...?

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