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loose bolt off bike


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I took the bike out last saturday and when I got home, I saw a bolt that I would almost 100% swear is off the bike, laying at the foot of my driveway. I have gone over the bike but cant seem to figure out where it came from. I have seen the exact same bolts on other parts of the bike. Any way that they only use specific types of bolts for certain pieces. Or is there any way that I see this type of bolt on lets say a brake componet, that this is the only type bolts used for such. If that makes any sense to anyone. Its got me freaked to ride.

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check the super important things, like caliper mount bolts, chain adjustment bolts etc, then work up to suspension bolts, then mount bolts. Can't be too hard to find, bikes ain't all that big. Lots of bolts though...

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Check the bolts that hold the shocks on. I just found out that I had been riding for God knows how long without the right rear bolt holding the shock on. The nut had come off.

Oh, of course it had to be a $30.00 "pretty" Spacer nut that you can only get from a Yamaha dealer. No, not a regular metric that you can get at a hardware store.

I also found the front nut missing from the wheel. It seems that when the previous owner changed the front tire, he didn't put the cotter pin back in. Gone. At least it was a regular bolt so a nut was easy to find.

Lock-tite. Wonderful product.

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