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Mans best friend does it again


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I think it's cruel to name a Pit Bull "Tatertot."  Then again, I wanted to call my daughter's shep-rott "Kitty" but we ended up with the more dignified name "Tootsie."

Im guessing the boy named it.

My parents cat was named Kitkat by my niece. Tatortot sounds like something a toddler would come up with.

And I agree with the Christi it is a much better name than Gator. Pitbulls get a bad rap, it doesnt help anything to have a name that implies it bites.



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This story is so much more indicative of the breed, at least in my opinion. I just lost my pit in June and miss her something terrible. She was a rescued bait dog, but was the best behaved dogs I have ever known. I never knew a pit bull before her and she totally changed my outlook on the breed. She wanted nothing more than to sit with me and cuddle.

This is a great story, thanks for sharing it.

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Y'all are killing me. Now I miss my daughter's shep-rott even more. Her mom (my ex) decided to be spiteful and took Tootsie from us and it's been 10 months since we've seen her. Won't even respond to visitation requests. Breaks my heart, and especially my teen daughter's, who loved her buddy since she was 9. I mean, what kind of mother takes her daughter's companion away? We would have fought harder in court for her but it was more important to come to a deal where my daughter was most protected first. We think the dog's ok - has a young male shep companion now - but probably doesn't get out of the house enough and may miss us from time to time. I know we sure do, but I'm sure that was my ex's point.

Sorry to vent, but some of you guys have been through similar experiences.

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