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lasik who's had it done


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I had the PRK procedure done 10 years ago. My vision is still fantastic. Lasik  is a lot less painful and your vision is improved the minute you're off the  table but PRK vision correction appears to last longer and can give you better night vision. Or at least that was the case in 2003.

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just went to Bloomberg eye center in oct... had the customvue  lasik bladless thing done..

 I love it.. I still get some dryness but as per my last apt they said that's normal and will continue for the next 3 months...
my vision was 20/40 before.. and actually tested today was 20/15 at a pre employment screening.  I could see perfectly after 24 hrs.. I actually drove 14 hrs round trip to pick up a bike incuding night driving / and rain 3 days after my procedure with no problems

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My buddies wife had it done and she did panic a bit with the eyelid clamps as well as being temporarily blind when they removed the lens, but she can see perfectly afterwards and said she'd do it again after experiencing the first time. I guess they give patients a mild sedative to help relax? At least her doc did. Good luck and it ultimately sounds like you'll be glad you did

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I paid the doc an extra $100 for a lifetime warranty. My left was never as good as my right turned out but the procedure itself is keeping me from going back. Primarily the slicing of the lens in half and burning eyeball smell. You see the whole time except for a few parts. Completely eliminated stress headaches from looking at computers.

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I was actually just thinking about this earlier in the week but it costing $2k to $4k, i believe i just quit thinking about it. Does vision insurance typically not cover any part of Lasik? As you can tell im at "the thought crossed my mind" stage of getting Lasik. 

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My wife had PRK 5 years ago.  Her first eye was undercorrected and they had to redo it, and they gave her an eyedrop antibiotic that she turned out to be allergic to (and they knew it/messed up). 


Apart from that, she loves the results.  Wound up with 20/15 from 20/400.  5 years later, no change.


Cost us about $1900 per eye.  The redo on the first eye was free.

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I had it done about 5 years ago. I had been wearing glasses since third grade and am so happy I bit the bullet and had it done. I was amazed that the very next day I could see clearly. Napping on the couch and waking up without dry contacts is my very favorite thing now. That and not having to use my alarm clock with the giant neon numbers on it anymore... :)

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I know a woman who had it done, complete fuck up. The flap they cut out of her cornea peeled open while she was in the car on her way home. They had to redo that eye but her vision is still worse than before the surgery. I'm sure she's in a minority but be aware that this can be botched and will fuck your eyes up.

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Single best purchase I ever made! Wore glasses and/or contacts from age 15-30. Last eleven years it's been great. Agree that the eye slicing and burning eyeball smell are weird and uncomfortable. And one part where they told me to focus on the little red light and the light appeared moved around due to the cornea being all flapped up. Would do it again in a second!

Worst part was the eye protection at night or more specifically peeling off the tape residue every morning. I only paid $1200 for both eyes. The price sank here in Cincinnati for a year or so when two big eye clinics were fighting to stay open. One eventually closed and the price enemy back up.

Also mentioned it is a small risk. Some get worse vision. Mine was -1.95 in both eyes. About 20/200. Can't imagine getting it done if I had 20/40. Don't smoke weed shortly before they scan your eyes. That mapping is what is used for the burning/eyeball material removal.

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