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tips welcome on breaking in new jacket

Gixxus Christ!

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Got a Joe rocket sonic 2.0 leather at ip over the weekend on clearance ($120 off!). The L was a bit tight in the arms but the length was good, the xl was more comfy on the bicepts but arms were too long and it was too tall for me so I went with the L. Really like it, it's short like all sport jackets but all my riding pants will zip to it so not an issue. It is about as stiff as a wedding night prick tho, and as I've never bought a leather jacket that fit this tight (read correctly) I'm looking for tips to soften it up before the season starts. So what have you tried? What worked? Help me out here, there's a lot of pressure in what tattoo artists refer to as 'the ditch': the area on the inside of the arm opposite the elbow. Aside from wearing it while doing aerobics or just wearing it all winter I'm not sure how to break it in so that it's comfortable to ride in when the Polar Vortex relinquishes it's grip on riding season.

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The fit in the arms may be why it was on clearance. 

Possibly others felt the fit was not quite right.


What's the stuff used on baseball gloves to soften

them up when they are new?  Mineral oil?


Watch those stitches where it's tight, in case they

begin to start pulling lose.  If it's too tight, they

may also begin to cut into the leather. I think I

would take it to a shop and see about having it

reinforced at those seams.  A place that works on

leather would be the best place to go.  And ask

them about softening the leather.  They would

know better than any of us, and probably sell a

product that would be perfect for the job.


Double checking the stitching at the end of each

riding season wouldn't be a bad idea.



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My wifes uncle says Lexol makes an awesome leather conditioner, he owns a lucrative auto detailing business and swears by this stuff on leather interior. Tons of uses for it other than automotive. I keep forgetting to nab some for my 1 piece


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Ok...it's a Joe rocket sonic 2.o, if you've ever seen one it has panels that go from the inside of the wrist up to the armpit and down to the waist that zip off. The stitching is heavily reinforced on the zips so I'm not worried about the stitches popping, and it's not like I'm gonna rip through the sleeves like the hulk. It's just where the leather folds over itself in the ditch that put pressure on my arms. With those panels zipped off its much more comfortable. It was a clearance item (along with all the other sonic 2.0 jackets) because it's an old model. Still can't return it but it does still have all the tags so if I absolutely can't stand it I can put on ebay or craigslist.org as new with tags and get at least what I paid. I'm gonna wear it at night after work a few hours every day and if it doesn't break a little I'll put it in the dryer on no heat with a few tennis balls...or hammers lol. I'll use a conditioning cream as a last effort, they have the potential to rot seam stitching and I don't want that to happen.

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Use leather safe conditioners and put it on while home. Whenever I got new race suits, I would immediately take it out and put it on and parade around the house and sometimes sleep in it. After I got over that, I'd put the ball gag in my mouth and the whips and the suspension rig and hhhhhhnnnnnnnggggg

And then it fit great.

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