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Another New ObamaCare delay

Strictly Street

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The Obama administration is set to announce another major delay in implementing the Affordable Care Act, easing election pressure on Democrats.


Prolonging the “keep your plan” fix will avoid another wave of health policy cancellations otherwise expected this fall.


The cancellations would have created a firestorm for Democratic candidates in the last, crucial weeks before Election Day.

Anybody keeping track of how many delays so far?
Anybody keeping track of how close they are to election day?
Anybody keeping track of how much they are supposed to sway the elections?
Anybody keeping track of how much the American people feel hustled by all the lies and misrepresentation?


If this is such a good law with all the glowing reports from Obama and company why are they trying to dodge responsibility for all the goodness on mid term election day?



Nobody can defend this anymore. It was passed and we found out what was in it. Even the people that promoted it won't take responsibility for it.


Begun, the blame game has. I'm guessing it's this guys fault:








Ought to be in full swing by the 2016 elections.





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Of course it's Bush's fault. If he hadn't sucked so much the Dems would not have gotten the House, Senate and White House all at the same time...which is what they needed to get Obamacare passed.

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Of course it's Bush's fault. If he hadn't sucked so much the Dems would not have gotten the House, Senate and White House all at the same time...which is what they needed to get Obamacare passed.

I know you're being a bit tongue-in-cheek, but if taken seriously, I wouldn't omit Cheney and Rumsfeld from the blame game. Bush trusted those guys implicitly to guide his policies every step of the way. Look at how Bush's position on torture changed once his DOJ defied Cheney.

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I know you're being a bit tongue-in-cheek, but if taken seriously, I wouldn't omit Cheney and Rumsfeld from the blame game. Bush trusted those guys implicitly to guide his policies every step of the way. Look at how Bush's position on torture changed once his DOJ defied Cheney.


True, but Bush hired Cheney and Rumsfeld. So that makes them his fault too.

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Under the new rule, people who maintain those plans, and who renew them as late as Oct. 1, 2016, will be able to keep them until as late as 2017. The administration Wednesday emphasized that the extension now includes people in the small-group market, whose employers will start becoming subject to Obamacare's mandates in 2015. The administration said it would be up to individual states to allow the extension, and whether to include both individuals and small group members in the waiver or just one category.



Pushing it past election day 2016 because its so good for the American people. That should hide the reality from the low information voters enough to keep a few Democrats in power. They shouldn't have to worry too much about the elections because nothing is happening to the voters over the Obamacare issue... Yet.


It's still going to be George W's fault. Obama is still using him as a straw man / punching bag.


Obama’s Budget Includes $5.5 Billion Obamacare Insurance Company Bailouts

In an embarrassing admission that insurance companies cannot survive insuring against risks that have already happened, the newly released 2015 Obama budget includes a provision to establish a $5.5 billion government-controlled fund to bailout insurance companies because of Obamacare. 

This was easily predictable using the old adages “money doesn’t grow on trees” and “there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Think about it.



Edited by Strictly Street
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