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Might need to look for a new job


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I'll volunteer to proofread a resume.  Other than that, all I can really do is remind you that LOOKING for a job IS a full-time job in itself.  


Good job sites to use:  Monster, indeed, dice.com, linkedIn, careerbuilder.com.  Some of those are tech-oriented.  And lots of them link to OTHER job websites, but it's all a big web of sites listing open positions.  Apply for EVERYthing... most places will do a phone interview, and if they like you, call you in for an in-person. Even if you don't want the job, it's good practice... then when you get an interview for a job you DO want, you won't be nervous, and you'll have practice answering all the usual questions that they ask.


Project management is a good place to be... it means you can fit that in ANYwhere, to any kind of company.  


Networking is key.  Something like 70% of jobs (I made that up, but it's probably true) go to people who "know someone."  Starting on here is a great idea.  If you're not on LinkedIn yet, make one.  It's like facebook but for professionals.  They also have a ton of job listings, and recruiters & HR people KNOW that, and believe me, they look there.


I'm on my 5th job (eek!) since I graduated college in '08, so I've done a decent amount of job hunting.  It sucks, I know, but it IS possible to find a job you like that pays well :)


If you want to make spare cash in the meantime, sign up on workmarket.com and pick up random tech work.  My last company that I worked for (I was a field tech) used them when we needed laborers, basically, or an extra pair of hands.  It's not glorious, but some jobs pay pretty decently.  Like 100 bucks for 4 hours of work.  


Keep a log, either in a notebook, or in an excel spreadsheet or something, of every job you've applied for, and names & contacts #'s of recruiters & HR people, and dates that you've been in touch with them.  It will come in handy.  If you're going to collect unemployment, you have to keep a record of every job for which you've applied, anyway, and you have to apply for 2 each week, minimum.


Craigslist is the easiest place to apply for jobs, but it also has the most spam and BS.


Headhunters in employment agencies will do a lot of work for you, but just remember, they're working for themselves... meaning you have to impress them like you would a potential employer.  If they're impressed and they think they have a chance to farm you out and get you hired, then they'll try real hard.  They'll sort through their openings and find one for which you fit.  


Good luck and don't get frustrated!

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  • 4 months later...

That's pretty much what I've been doing for the last week since I found our the organizational restructure isn't going to happen the way I was told. Took it on that knowledge because the pay and position were more in line with what I want but now that doesn't seem likely

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Easy answer, no.

Kinda agree with that. I have had 3 jobs in the last 2 years. I am an engineer/project manager and none of the jobs turned out to be close to what the companies said they would be like in the interview. Even in my current job, its way far from what they told me it was supposed to be. I'm back to another stay or go conundrum. 

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^^and that's what I'm afraid of. Which is why I'd love nothing more than to just own my own business but that's a ways down the road at this point

I have my own business and also work for another company. I make great money on my own, but get my benefits and a steady good paycheck through my employer. You need to start your business while you are working. Make sure you have an income while you are building your business and get to a point where you can just work for yourself. Trying to start a business with limited income is almost impossible. The stress if it alone will kill you. You will pretty much be working 2 jobs (80+ hrs a week or more) it will be exhausting but very rewarding when you are working when you want for yourself.

Just a couple of things to think about.

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There is no time to start a business better than when you are in a position for which you are overqualified and over-talented. Get the steady income and benefits and invest that sweat and energy now.

Edited by C-bus
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I have my own business and also work for another company. I make great money on my own, but get my benefits and a steady good paycheck through my employer. You need to start your business while you are working. Make sure you have an income while you are building your business and get to a point where you can just work for yourself. Trying to start a business with limited income is almost impossible. The stress if it alone will kill you. You will pretty much be working 2 jobs (80+ hrs a week or more) it will be exhausting but very rewarding when you are working when you want for yourself.

Just a couple of things to think about.

Completely agree. That's essentially what my buddy and I are trying to accomplish right now. Keep full time jobs and have our side idea take off in order to make that a full time gig. That's likely years away though at best so in the mean time I want to find a new job to further my current career path in the likely event that doesn't actually take off
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Careful with partnerships. Great friends can become greater enemies when money and business decisions need to be made.

I have indeed seen exactly this over the years. It's why he's about the only friend I would even consider. Mainly because he is the creative end and knows zero of business and I'm zero creative but know the business end. Well see if that stands the test of time though...
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What kind of business would you start?

That's the million dollar question really. The current idea is a men's botique type shop which at this point seems a bit behind the curve.

My old idea was a website you could order local beers from across the country but that seemed to be too many legal loop holes to jump through.

Whatever it would be id like it to be somewhat unique and not just another restaurant, car shop or sports memorabilia type joint that I feel would be the longest shot to sustain success

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That's the million dollar question really. The current idea is a men's botique type shop which at this point seems a bit behind the curve.

My old idea was a website you could order local beers from across the country but that seemed to be too many legal loop holes to jump through.

Whatever it would be id like it to be somewhat unique and not just another restaurant, car shop or sports memorabilia type joint that I feel would be the longest shot to sustain success

Find something that you enjoy doing that is a necessity to life. Not a want item and you will be in business forever!

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Find something that you enjoy doing that is a necessity to life. Not a want item and you will be in business forever!

This is good.

Whatever line of business you wind up in, listen to the people's story, figure out what their hardest problem is, and solve that first.

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I very much enjoy the idea of owning my own business, but not just being my own boss.

My goal would be to sell out to competitors within a decade. Really hoping marihuana sales

become legal in Ohio soon... I have a business plan drafted and investors lined up. It would be great to retire at 50

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I very much enjoy the idea of owning my own business, but not just being my own boss.

My goal would be to sell out to competitors within a decade. Really hoping marihuana sales

become legal in Ohio soon... I have a business plan drafted and investors lined up. It would be great to retire at 50

Marihuana??? Knowing how to spell what you are selling is VERY important. Attention to details is a must!

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