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2nd Annual Dice'n & Slice'n Marathon Ride Sat April 12th


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Time for the 2nd Annual Dice'n & Slice'n Marathon Ride!
Total distance of this twisty road route will be 300 miles!
....and that does not include your mileage from your house to the start,
or your return mileage back home...so calculate that in.
It's a full day of rockin' the backwoods!
Many interested responses last year about this ride, but the weather turned out to be less than perfect (30-40 degree temps).
Only 3 of us made the entire distance. Forecast looks much better so far.
This ride is open to all type of bikes & is being posted on multiple websites.
Route will consist of 300 miles of some of the best curvy roads in northern Ky, east & west of I-75,
& I'm sure you might be on some for the first time!

Date : Saturday April 12th
Start location : AA Hwy Speedway Wilder, Ky. (Gloria Terrell Drive )
Meet up time : 8:30...fuel up by 8:45.
Kickstands up : 9:00-9:15 at the latest.....we need to depart on time!
Break stops will be planned at certain points in the route.
Fuel stops will be about 100-120 miles apart.
Lunch location : Williamstown, Ky.....time : when we get there (probably between 12:00-1:00)
(Red Carpet Restaurant with a reserved area for the group)
In case of large turnout : we will form a 2nd group with a staggered start if needed.
Route map : I will have printed copies of the entire route for everyone that wants one.
End location : Rabbit Hash, Ky. (see me if directions needed from there)
End time : shooting for 6:00 at the latest if we don't get behind schedule
Pace : Ride to YOUR skill level only *discussed before we depart.
We wait at all stops & turns till everyone's together before proceeding.

In case of bad weather on the 12th, Sat the 19th will be the rain date,
and I'll post that on this thread by Friday the 11th at the latest.
Plan on cooler temps to start, so gear up accordingly. Weather temps look great so far, but could always change.
Please arrive early & have a full tank & empty bladder by 9:00.
I know this is a very early start time, but with breaks, lunch, possible traffic delays, & 300 miles to cover to reach the Hash by 6:00, we have to depart this early.
For those that don't know me, I've led 100's of group rides locally & across the Midwest & South. My pace for a ride is always adapted to the size & skill level of the group.
Any questions or requests for more info, please post here in this thread,
or you can contact me via private message.

*For some added incentive for those that might like to join in but have time restraints, & might want to leave early or start later......
First leg of this ride is 120 miles, with a break, then fuel & Lunch in Williamstown.(12:00-1:00 - you could leave or start here)
Second leg is 110 miles, with a break, & fuel in Falmouth.(maybe 4:00-4:30-if on schedule - you could leave for home from here) 230 miles so far.
Third leg is 73 miles to the finish at Rabbit Hash. (6:00) 303 miles.
Scalded Hog food trailer should be open if you want to eat dinner there.

Hope this is enough notice so you can mark this on your calendar as a not-to-be-missed-300 mile-rockin'ride!

Just thought I'd post this here also, since there are quite a few Cincy area riders here that might want to join us.


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bump!...for those in the Dayton/Cincy or south east Ohio area that might like to explore 40 of Northern Kentucky's nice twistys.

Weather temps look good! Come join us if you can. Meet some new riders, eat a great lunch, ride some new-to-you roads!

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Bumping this up for Rob.  I know that a lot of OR peeps are in Dayton, C-bus and points north, so that'd be lots of miles to ride just to get to/from the route.  If you live in the SW portion of OH or SE IN (but then I suppose you would be an IR peep???) and have the day free for being irresponsible, it promises to be a fun route with LOTS of twisty smooth roads.  Think WV/TN/NC/GA only with smaller hill'n'valleys and closer to home.  I got in 240 yesterday in the same area and its a great ride!!!

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Thanks to Dice for putting in the work to get this rolling every spring.  We had a great turnout in the morning--13 bikes with members from LR, AFJ, and an OR rider who came down from Dayton!  The day didn't start auspiciously, with a farm dog making an illegal cut-block tackle on one of the mid-pack riders early in the ride on 824/Racetrack Lane.  Dog fared far better than the rider, who high-sided when he hit the dog, throwing him and his pristine Z1000 down the road.  Injuries weren't life-threatening, but he's gonna feel like he pulled a flying Superman impression this morning….


After cleaning up the body and bike parts and waving adieu to the po-po and ambulance and dropping a few riders to look after the bike, nine of us rolled south to Willow and took the short route to Williamstown across 22 to meet up with other riders at the Red Carpet restaurant--World's Best Burger!!!  We had to endure a rolling road block in the form of a red crew cab pickup that made sure we did at least 10 under the limit all the way from Falmouth to the Williamstown city limit.  I believe he was taking it on as his personal mission to ensure we obeyed the speed limit and had zero fun on 22.






We picked up two more riders after lunch and continued south and west, heading down 227 to Stamping Ground.  Had a great run and did the entire length without being blocked by any red pickup drivers.




More back roads on the return to our last gas stop at about 200 miles back in Falmouth again, where 5 riders headed east for home and the others rolled on toward Rabbit Hash.




We dropped two off in Dry Ridge as they rode 75 north toward home and just Dice, Chris Nicoloff--aboard his brand new 2012 Pikes Peak edition Multistrada--and I rolled to the Hash. I did take a picture of his bike and would'a posted it except that it didn't turn out from the drool on the lens….


All in all, a fairly successful day with no loss of life and minimal carnage.  I got about 320 miles door-to-door, and I can feel it in my shoulders today.  Good riding!
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Awesome ride fellas, definitely had a blast! It was well worth the trek down from Dayton. Was nice to meet all you guys and I appreciate you guys not going to hard on my newbie self. Thanks Bill and Rob for the beneficial riding tips and suggestions.

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Just posting this up in case anyone on OR knows the rider, who is from Louisville on KY Sport Bike forum (Update posted by Dice32 on LR and AFJ):


"UPDATE: on the condition of Ken, the Kaw Z1000 rider who hit the dog.
He had surgery today on his thumb to repair the badly torn ligaments (no bones involved).
His other injury to his knee, a torn ACL, is gonna be treated with therapy first, to see if surgery can be avoided. His gear did the job & no broken bones were involved in the highside. The bike was totalled by the insurance company......Ken's people are working it out with the owners of the dog's people (thru their home owner policy). Hope all goes well, Ken! thumb.gifWe're all rooting for your recovery & hope to see you back out there on another bike. Thanks, Viper, for the update today from the hospital."

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